Chapter 12: Truce

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-Emily's POV-

When I finish the sandwich that Dean made for me, I try to fall asleep, but I can't. I keep thinking about how I felt when I was turned. The hunger I felt, and how I wasn't afraid. I felt strangely calm. For some reason, I have a strange feeling to go back to Jason

Somehow, I know where he is without having to use my visions. It's like we're connected in some way. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath, I teleport to where Jason and his other wolves are, surprised I could go that far. I can almost feel my power's growing stronger.

They're squatting in an abandoned house, and I walk around, searching for them. When Cal, the blonde guy whose arm Ailith broke, sees me his eyes widen in fear and he says, "Guys."

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you," I say as I walk over to Cal and heal slightly heal his arm. Instead of his arm being completely broken, it's now sprained. He looks up at me, and before he can say anything, I ask, "Where are the others?"

As if on cue, Jason walks in. "Here to finish the job, Winchester?" he asks sounding tired.

"Here to end all this. I don't want to fight, I'm tired of fighting. I already partially healed Cal. I want to help Mason, and I'll be out of your hair," I tell him, sounding tired as well.

"You want to help? How do I know I know I can trust you?"

"You don't," I shrug and continue to look for the one I stabbed. Cal and I make eye contact, and he points to a room. With a nod, I head into the room. 

When I enter the room, I see Mason laying on a bed, unconscious, and even from the entrance of the room, I can tell he's barely alive. I walk over and put my hand over his stomach, feeling my energy pulse through my body and into his. Cal and Jasons watch from the entrance.

Stepping back after he's mostly healed, I look at the others. Mason slowly opens his eyes and sits up. He looks around in confusion, and when he sees me, his eyes flash with fear. I turn and walk out of the room, the boys moving to let me past, and I realize they all fear me. Cal goes into the room to see how Mason is.

"Emily," Jason calls out tentatively, and I turn around and he takes a careful step closer to me. "Why did you come back?"

I sigh before answering. "To save my ass. I shouldn't be helping you after what you did to me. I hate you. I hate you and Cal and Mason for what you did to me. I should fucking kill you. I want to kill you, but I also just want this to be over. I want us to stop fighting. I can't take it. I'm so tired and exhausted. Also, if you die, people will start looking around, and I'll be suspect number one," I say thinking to what Ailith said earlier. 

Jason nods before saying, "You're smart Winchester. Also, I'm sorry. I just wanted revenge on you for what you and your family did to mine, and I now realize that revenge doesn't work." He takes a quick pause and steps closer. "Truce?" he asks, sticking his hand out.

"Truce," I say, shaking his head. I look back in at Cal and Mason, and Jason's gaze follows mine. I give them all one last look before I teleport home.

When I get back to my room I sigh and turn on my record player, playing my favorite record, and I lay in my bed and try to fall asleep. As I do, a realization comes to me, I have to tell Dean the truth.


When I get out of bed in the morning, I remember my decision that I made last nigh. I try to convince myself to not tell them, but my powers are growing stronger, and I need help. Even if they don't know what causes my powers, they still might be able to help. After all, they are supernatural experts.

I keep rehearsing how I'm going to say it in the mirror of my bedroom. It reminds me of when I came out to my mom, but instead of coming out as gay, I'm coming out as a monster. To some people, those things aren't that different. 

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