Chapter 8: The Cabin

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-Emily's POV-

I find a cheap motel somewhere off of the highway and stumble into the main office. "I would like a room," I state as I walk up to the desk, trying not to look too drunk.

The man sitting at the counter just rolls his eyes. "For one?" he asks, and I nod slowly. "You're obviously hammered so just take a room for the night. No charge, but any additional nights I will charge you for."

"Thank you," I say as he hands me the key and points me in the direction of my room.

After struggling with the key, I walk in the room, forgetting to lock it, and flop onto the bed. I lay there for a little and try to make sense of what happened. I'm still not sure what happened. I think my mind is blocking me from remembering. All I remember is dancing, being mad at Jason, and then going to his car to spend the night, and then I was crying in my car.

I decide to get to up and take a shower, hoping that will help me feel better. As I sluggishly take off my clothes, I notice that my shirt is ripped. How did that happen? Ignoring it, I hop into the shower, despite the water being cold, but I don't really mind it. The cold water helps me wake up.

Turning the heat up all the way, I stand under the water waiting for it to warm up and think about how I got here. Still not remembering everything, I give up on trying to think and actually shower using the shitty motel soap. At some point during my shower, I start crying, not exactly sure why I'm crying. I just stand there, crying, under the scalding hot water of a dirty shower.

I get out of the shower and wrap the musty smelling towel around my naked body and dry my hair with another one. I wipe the fog off the mirror and wipe off the rest of my messy makeup. I notice a bruise on my neck and gingerly touch it, wondering how that got there. As I change back into my dirty clothes I notice more bruises on my body, there's some on my arms, stomach, and legs.

When I'm done in the bathroom, I climb into the weird smelling sheets that cover the stained mattress and try in vain to remember what happened.

Dean's POV:

"So get this," Sam says reading something off of his laptop as I eat breakfast that he brought to the motel. He's about the say something, but my phone rings. It's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say to the caller.

"Hello, is this Robert Simone?" they ask. I'm about to tell they have the wrong number, but then I remember that Robert Simone is the fake name I used at Emily's school.

"Uh, yes it is," I say.

"Well, we just wanted to call and inform you that your daughter, Riley, is not in school today," they say.

Why isn't Emily in school? "Oh yeah, she's sick. I guess I forgot to call in this morning," I lie and Sam gives me a look.

"Oh, okay, well I hope she gets better. Have a nice day Mr. Simone."

"You too," I say and hang up.

"Who was that?" Sam asks.

"That was Emily's school," I say. "Apparently, she's not in school." Sam gets a panicked look on his face. "I'll call Cas," I say, as I dial his number.

He answers on the second ring. "Hello Dean," he says.

"Cas, where is Emily?" I ask.

"Isn't she at school?" he asks, sounding confused.

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