Chapter 11: The Cure

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-Dean's POV-

"You're kidding me right?" I ask when Ailith tells me the werewolves are gone.

Ailith turns around angrily and says, "Well maybe if you hadn't spent so much time asking me questions we would have had time before they left. Let's check upstairs," she says as she heads up the old rickety stairs. I take one last look of all the blood down here and wonder how much of it is Emily's and how much blood Emily spilled.

Ailith opens the door leading to the upstairs, and I follow behind her as she searches around the messy house. You can tell teenaged boys lived here. There's garbage, pizza boxes, beer cans, and food, everywhere. "Hello, anybody home?" I call out, and Ailith gives me a dirty look.

"They must have skipped town," she says as she enters the kitchen.

"Do you have an idea where they went?" I ask.

"Just as much as you," she mutters as she takes a picture of them off from the fridge and one of them looks familiar. "Okay let's go," she snaps her fingers and we're back in the bunker.

"What's the picture for?" I ask.

"To perform a search spell," she says. "I'll need a couple of other things though," she says and names off simple spell items that we have around the bunker. "Okay you go get those things, and I'll check in on Emily," she says and heads off towards Emily's room. I go to the kitchen, where we keep our spell stuff, and I bring everything back to the common room. 

I look at the picture and realize the boy in the middle is the kid who Emily got into a fight with. Does he know who she really is? I see Sam rush in, and I say, "Hey that little shit that Em got in a fight with is one of the werewolves." 

"Emily's turned. Ailith's trying to control her," Sam says, panicked.

"Shit!" I say and run to Emily's room. I run in and see Ailith pinning down Emily who's grown werewolf teeth and nails and is trying to bite Ailith as she struggles against Emily's newfound strength. 

Ailith struggles and says, "You can fight this Emily. I just need you to do the thing, so we can turn you back. You can fight it." What thing does Emily have to do?

"I can't," Emily says as she snaps at Ailith and then flips them over, so Emily is now pinning Ailith down. Before she can attack, Ailith throws Emily up into the air for a brief second, then lets her fall onto the bed.

"Emily!" I say rushing over as Ailith stands up. Emily's eyes, teeth, and nails have gone back to normal, but she doesn't look okay.

She looks at me with scared eyes and says, "Help."

I hug Emily. "It's okay. I'm here," I say and help her up.

Ailith walks over to me and says, "I need Emily to help perform the spell."

"What? Why?" I ask. Is that Ailith was talking about earlier?

"This search spell requires blood from one of their kind, so you can't use human blood to find a werewolf. You need werewolf blood. I need Emily's blood, and she has to perform. That's why I needed her to cooperate, and I couldn't just knock her out," she explains as we head to the common room.

Ailith grabs the ingredients that I had previously left on the table and Emily softly asks, "What do I need to do?"

"Just give a couple drops of your blood," Ailith says as she adds everything to the bowl. Then, she hands her a sheet of paper. "Say these words. Work your magic," she explains. I sense some sort of double meaning behind the last words based on the wink she gives Emily, and I narrow my eyes at the two.

I watch as Emily cuts into her palm without flinching and lets her blood drip into the bowl as she reads the words on the paper. She then picks up the picture of the three boys and closes her eyes. I watch as she flinches a little, finally, she gasps and drops the picture, into the bowl and it catches on fire.

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