Chapter 7: Queen of Hell

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There are some possible triggers towards the end of the chapter dealing with sexual assault, so if you get triggered by that, then please do not read it.

-Emily's POV-

At lunch that day I ate with Ashley and some of her friends. I had Ashley and a couple of her friends in my other classes, and they all helped me out throughout the day. After school is over, I go outside and see the Impala with Dean in it, waiting for me right outside the door, and I hop in.

"How was your first day?" he asks as he drives off.

"It was fine, made a couple of friends," I say.

"That's good. Sam found a case, so that means we're going to be gone for a couple of days. Is that okay?"

"Dean, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself. Besides, Cas and Jack will be there, so I won't be alone," I remind him.

"Okay, it should only take us five days max, but if you have any problems, don't be afraid to call me. I'll come back."

"I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me. You and Sam have a job to do," I tell him.

"I know you'll probably have homework and all but maybe you can keep up your training. Just read some lore or maybe sprawl with Jack or something."

"Yeah, I can do that," I say. I actually kind of missed doing training today.

When we get back to the bunker, Sam is waiting in the garage,.I say my goodbyes and head into the bunker.

"Cas, I'm back," I call out as I head down the stairs. "Cas?" I call again when I don't get a response. "Jack?" I call out as I walk into the common room and see a girl who looks a bit older than me sitting at the table.

She has dyed purple hair that's fading, and you can see her brown roots. She has on a leather jacket and black, studded boots which are propped up on the table as she sips from a glass of whiskey. "Who the hell are you?" I asked taking my knife out of my boot.

"Oh, sweet Emily, there's nothing to be afraid of," she says standing up.

"Answer my question. Who are you?" I ask, pointing my blade at her as she steps closer.

"My name's Ailith, and I'm the Queen of Hell," she says flashing red eyes. I begin to reach into my bag for holy water, but she flings it out of my hand, along with my knife. She laughs. "Emily, I told you there was nothing to be afraid of."

"How do you know my name? How did you get in here?" I ask, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.

"I've been watching you, Emily. Well ever since you've started living with the Winchester. My father was an old friend of the Winchesters, and I've been watching them all my life."

"But how did you get in here? This place is warded."

She laughs again. "My grandmother's a witch, another friend of your dad's, and she made it possible for anyone, well, rather anything of her bloodline to have accesses to the bunker at all times, and well I fall into that category."

"Okay," I say slowly. "But what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you Emily," she says. "To show you that I'm not the enemy."

"You're not the enemy?" I asked with an amused look, trying not the laugh. "You just told me you're the queen of Hell, and now you're trying to tell me you're not the enemy."

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