Chapter 15: Conversations

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-Emily's POV-

"Ailith, what are you doing here?" I ask her as she sits next to me.

She smirks. "Well, I heard Aida was in town, and I had to come and meet her." I glance over at Aida, and she seems slightly confused and scared. Well, she did want to meet her. Ailith reaches her hand out and over the table towards Aida. "I'm Ailith, the Queen of Hell. You've probably heard a lot about me," she says as Aida tentatively shakes her hand.

"Stop boasting, Aly," I mutter, and she turns toward me.

"I'm not boasting. Just stating facts," she says, and I roll my eyes.

Aida tries to keep the fear off her face, but I know her well enough to know that she's scared. "Well, you've met Aida. You can leave now," I say to Ailith.

Ailith's about to say something, but Aida cuts her off. "No, it's fine."

This makes Ailith smile. "She speaks," she says cheerfully before churning to me. "See, your girlfriend wants me to stay. Besides, I have so many questions to ask her." I try to stop her, but she turns back to Aida and says with a playful smile, "So, Aida, tell me about yourself."

"Umm, what do you want to know?" she asks, starting to get nervous and uncomfortable.

"Hmm, you know the basics. How long have you known Emily? What are your hobbies? What do you truly think of Emily's powers?"

"Ailith," I say giving her a warning. Now, I'm starting to get mad.

Aida now looks highly uncomfortable. "Uhh, I've known Emily since we were about 5. I- uh, run track and play volleyball," she says, avoiding the last question.

"Hmm," Aly says and studies Aida before saying, "You didn't answer my last question. So what do you really think of your girlfriend's abilities? Because I think we all know that you're not completely honest about it."

"I don't have a problem with them," Aida says, trying to remain calm.

"Ailith, stop," I say, not sure if I want her to stop because she's making Aida troublesome, or if I just don't want to hear the truth.

Turning to me, Ailith looks at me with fire in her eyes and her head cocked to the side in question. "Do you not want to hear the truth, Winchester?" Why is she doing this? Is she doing this to get back at me for the kiss?

"I know the truth," I say back. "And I think it's time for you to leave."

"But why? We're just getting started," she says leaning forward. "You never answered my question, darling," she says to Aida. She opens her mouth to say something, then closes it. "Speak up," Aly says. "Unless you don't want to admit the truth."

Aida remains quiet, and I can tell Ailith is getting mad, and I'm wondering why she's not saying anything. I hear Ailith whisper something in Latin that I don't recognize it. Then, I remember that she's part witch. She whispered a spell.

"I don't like them, her powers. It makes me nervous because I don't know what she truly is, and that scares me. I also don't like that she can do all these things, yet she doesn't always use them for good." The words fly out of Aida's mouth before she realizes she said them, and she covers her mouth and looks at me apologetically.

"Good," Ailith says, sitting back with a satisfied smirk.

She's about to say something else, but Ashley comes over to take our order. "Sorry it took a while to get over here, but I was full with orders," she explains. Then, she looks at Ailith, confused. "Who's this?"

"Oh, this is my, friend, Aly," I say hesitating on the friend part.

Ashley seems oblivious to the tension at the table. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Ashley. So what can I get you guys?"

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