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ashton ran after sasha until they reached the hallway with luke and ashton's english class in.

"i'm going back for calum, go to your class and-"

"go go go!" calum's yells met with the pair and ashton took lead to the english room. sasha followed and when ashton knocked it was instantly opened by nathan.

ashton and sasha dived in and nathan was about to close it again when calum jumped through.

nathan locked it quickly and calum pressed a finger to his lip.

he had a scar on his face, blood trailing down it.

luke was leaning against the wall and had watched the whole scene play out.

ashton took off the first aid bag and passed it to mr mcpreen who took it quickly.

calum grinned at ashton proudly before looking at sasha.


"i'm sorry."

"for what?"

ashton looked at his best friend strangely.

"i'm so so sorry" calum turned to ashton, "i love you mate."


"homo" calum finished for ashton and the two boys laughed.

"seriously what's wrong?" sasha asked ignoring the two boys, having their moment.

mr mcpreen quickly looked over at cal.

"calum, let's get that scar checked" he said and waved calum over.

calum smirked.

ashton's eyes widen as calum turned around.

there on his back, blood was soaking through his shirt.

"i guess i'm not bullet proof" Calum joked.

but the room was in silence.

ashton turned pale and sasha looked like she was about to faint.



{lowercase intended}

This is so short sorry :)

You guys are really good with the goals :) gold star for you xx

Don't even. bloody Calum.

sorry again.


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