Chapter 6

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Hey everyone!!! so I'm sorry if this is going to be a short chapter or Nah but I hope you all like it anyway! Anyway to all Those directioners out there that are reading my story I want to give a shout out to my best friend she has her own Niall Horan Fanfic And its really Good, Awesome, Amazing interesting book!! I personally love it so I hope you all can check it out!!

the tittle is: I'm in Love with my Best Friend (Niall Horan Fanfic)

Well I now introduce you to Chapter 6!!! Enjoy!!!!!!

-Yemille Xoxoxoxo

I suddenly opened my eyes. I got my phone and looked at the clock.It was 7:00am.I hate waking up so early for school. I lazily got out of my nice warm bed and headed to my closet to pick out some clothes for today. I walked in and spotted a white loose tank top and my blue denim high wasted shorts.

I picked out my black All star converse high tops and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. My hair looked all wavy from the braid I slept in last night so I didn't have to bother curling my hair today.

I did my make up and went back inside my room and got my back pack. Afterwards I went walking downstairs to the kitchen and got 2 granola bars, and headed out the door. I put on my ear phones and started to walk until I someone suddenly grabbed my wrist and spinned me around.

"Oh hi Hayes." I smiled.

"Where are you going?" He said with a frown.

"" I said confused.

"But don't you want a ride?" He asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot, thanks." I smiled back. I thought he already left to school so I didn't bother to see if he was home or nah.

I was about to open the car door when he beat me to it."Thanks." I smiled.

He got into the drivers side and soon turned on the car and we left his drive way.

"Ugh I'm hungry." He said breaking the silence.

"Oh here's a granola bar if you want." I said and grabbed it out of my back pack and handed it to him.

"Mmm thanks!!!" He yelled excitedly making me laugh.

The rest of the car ride we just started talking about random stuff and how he has been and etc.We finally got to the school and we headed to my locker.

I wonder where Lea is? I would expect her to be waiting around the corner for him..oh wait speaking of the devil.

There she stood with a couple of her friends. She gave me a death Glare when she saw Hayes and I together at my locker.

She soon put on an innocent angel face and ran up to Hayes giving him a hug and a kiss on his lips, and of course she ignored the fact that I was standing there.

"Oh hi jemille." She said smugly and missed pronounced my name on purpose.

"It's Yemille,and Hi leach I mean Lea." I faked smile and put on my best innocent angel face.

She rolled her eyes and she grabbed on to hayes wrist pulling him away from me. "Hey Boo come on let's go." She whined to him.

"Uh okay, bye Yem see you later." He Said with an apologetic look.

"Bye Hayes." I half smiled.

I opened my locker and put in a few text books.i closed it and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you." I started to say when I looked into those light Green eyes.

"It's okay,oh hey love." He said with A wide smile.

"Hehe hi Chris." I said mesmerized by his green eyes and his voice.

"Haha I didn't know you came to this school, I mean I would've noticed you a lot earlier, despite your beauty that makes you shine out in a crowd." He said making me melt.

"Haha wow Chris but aw thanks though." I said blushing. "and actually I just moved here yesterday.

"Oh that's cool!" He chuckled. "so are you still up for the date today?" He asked biting his lip making me turn into a puddle

"Of course I wouldn't miss it." I smiled.

The bell suddenly rang.

"Well I have to go love, see you later." He said walking backwards from me and left to his class.

Oh how he makes me feel, he makes me feel like I'm the most beautifulest girl in the world see he's making me use words that I'm not even sure even are words.

I went to my first period.Which was Spanish. I sat down at my desk next to Anna. All I felt was love struck.

"YEMILLE!!!" Anna whispered yelled to me snapping me away from my thoughts about Chris.

"Huh? What?" I asked totally Lost. I swear I felt like I didn't know what year we were in.

All I know is one thing. I am seriously falling for a guy that I have barely met.

"Are you thinking about him?" She she laughed.

"Who Chris? Yes,yes I am." I said getting love strucked again. "Did you know he goes to our school!" I yelled excitedly.

"¿Disculpe a la Sra. Leon? ¿Tienes algo que decirle a la clase." ("Um excuse me Ms. Leon?" " Do you have something to tell the class? ) she asked in front of the whole class.i didn't realize that I said it out loud.

Oh lo siento Sra. espinosa, sólo hablaba de un libro que leer, te lo juro costumbre pasar otra vez. (Oh im sorry Mrs espinosa, i was just talking about a book that i read, i swear it wont happen again.)

I lied to her. Yeah I'm half Hispanic and I speak Spanish at home so I'm pretty fluent. Everyone had their jaws opened. I guess they never heard someone speak Spanish so um fluent I guess.

"Oh ok well, just pay attention." She spoke this time in English. She seemed amazed that I knew spanish,yeah in reality it looks like I don't know a single word of Spanish.

I nodded my head and started to copy down the notes from the board,

"Oh my god you burned her!" Anna laughed,making me laugh with her

"I was so embarrassed." I laughed.

"But that was a cool save!!" She smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

No Longer Apart ( Hayes Grier Fanfic) Sequel To "My New Best friend"Where stories live. Discover now