Chapter 38

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I walk through the campus with my luggage bags. The sun is shinning brightly and the sky is a light shade of baby blue. I landed here in California a little more than an hour ago or less I believe. So currently I am trying to find my dorm room.

All I am praying at this point is that my roommate will be at least decent. I can't stand people with grumpy attitudes, those kind of attitudes just get me in a horrible mood. As I'm walking through the campus I am terribly confused as to where I am. Since I'm not paying attention and focusing all my attention on the campus map,I accidentally bump into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologize and help the girl up. She had her hair braided to the side and was wearing glasses. She was reading a book from what I could tell.

"No it's okay, it was my fault from reading and walking at the same time." She laughs and I smile."are you new here?" She questions grabbing my map from the ground and hands me it.

"Actually yeah I am."

"Cool when did you graduate high school?"


"Yesterday?... Damn." She raises her eyebrows. I laugh in response. "So I'm guessing you can't find your dorm room Hm?"

I nod and let out a sigh. "Ive spend almost a half hour trying to find the room."

"Don't worry same happened to me." She smiles. "Can I see your paper you know the address for your dorm?"

I nod and give her my paper. She skims through the paper and adjusts her glasses. Meanwhile she's skimming it I take the time to look at where I'm at. There's a bunch of buildings some consisting of classrooms and others just dorm room buildings. This school is really huge.

"I know where you are." She smiles. "Here follow me." She says and hands me back my map. We walk for at least 5 minutes until we reach a building. We enter it and go up some stairs. We stop at the 2nd flood and go through a long hallway. She stops at a room labeled 302. My dorm room.

"Here's your room!" She says excitedly. "Where you are is the perfect location,you're not too far away from all the classes and stuff."

"That's a good thing." I laugh. "Thanks for the help,I really appreciate it, I would probably still be roaming the campus like a lost dog if it wasn't for you."

"No problem." She smiles. "Oh so what's your name?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Yemille, but you can call me yem for short." I smile at her.

"Hello I'm Lilian." She smiles back. "So do you know all your classes?"

"Yup I was walking around looking for my classes and yeah I pretty much know where they are."

"That's good,hey not to be weird and all but.."

I raise up my eyebrow. "Sure what?"

"I feel like I've seen you before.. I don't know, you just seem really familiar."

"Well I'm kinda internet famous,if that's what your referring to?"

"Yeah!" She said excitedly. "You know the magcon boys! Well the used to be magcon boys! Hey wait aren't you dating one them? I think his name is Nash? Or Nash's younger brother."

"Yup that's me." I smile brightly. "and no I'm not dating Nash I'm dating his younger brother Hayes so yeah your correct!"

"Oh my god! I love them so much!"

I laugh. "Maybe you can meet them sometime."



No Longer Apart ( Hayes Grier Fanfic) Sequel To "My New Best friend"Where stories live. Discover now