Quick authors Note

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Hey everyone! Yeah..Ik this isn't an update but I just wanted to talk to you about the new fanfic I'm creating.

So the tittle is called:

"Breaking A Promise"

And it's a Niall Horan fanfic by the way :) I got really inspired by a bunch 1D fanfics (they are the best in my opinion) and I decided why Not create my own?

So the story isnt published yet but it will soon, and the reason I haven't been updateing this book a lot is because I'm working on chapters for "Breaking A Promise"

And because I've been really busy lately and haven't found the time to write chapters.

Anyways back to the new fanfic I'm creating, most of my friends have read the chapters I've already created and they are really loving the book! Which I am vey happy about!

Hahaha oh! And shout out to Lilian! She's one my weird friends,and she says my writing has improven from when i first started writing :')

....I don't know if I should take it as a compliment or Nah...why? Because she pratically said my writing was horrible😂😂😂😂 but she also said that I have became a very good writer...so..ehh what the hell I'll take it as a compliment🙌

I'm other news my laptop charger hasn't gotten fixed yet but I think my parents took it to a shop or something yesterday,turns out my brothers laptop got attacked by a bunch of virus's and it crashed. Mean while the only reason I can't use my laptop is because something went wrong with the charger,and the laptop doesn't have power so that's the reason!!!

But I've come to realize that it's a lot easier updateing on the app of my phone instead of my laptop oh well.



What was I talking about? *Scrolls back up* oh okay! Hahaha so "Breaking A Promise will be uploaded soon maybe next week or the week after that maybe?

So far I've gotten 4 chapters done and I'm going to publish the book once I make 15 Chapters or so,you know like a head start.

So um..yeah that's pretty much it I guess, hey if you want to go check out the cover of "Breaking A Promise" go on my twitter and the cover will be there! And while your on there don't be afraid to follow me! I follow everyone back ☺️🙌

My username: Always_A_Grier_Girl @LeonYemille

You can even tweet me on there or DM me or something! I wouldn't mind at all! I actually Encourage you to do so!

...I wonder if I will ever reach a million reads...?

Well that was a random thought😂

Yeah I'm weird..

I get it from my friends 😁✌️ (you know who you are😉😂)

On a completely random note I just realized something...

I don't have a dirty mind..I have a sexy imagination 😉

Hahaha omfg😂 well that's me everyone!

Hahahaha well any who, be expecting an update on one of these days!!!

Hey I've been meaning you ask you all...what do you think of my Hayes Grier Fanfics Anyways?

COMMENT!!! *Whispers* I read every comment,and I really enjoy to😁🙌

Well yeah that's pretty much it..


Love Lots!

-Yem ☺️💕✌️🙌

No Longer Apart ( Hayes Grier Fanfic) Sequel To "My New Best friend"Where stories live. Discover now