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Before I start, I'd just like to say that all of these characters except Rebecca and Emilia belong to Robert Kirkman and the people who make the tele series. Some of the story line also belongs to them too, but some of it I will make up myself. :)

So, this is yet another Fanfiction, but of the walking dead, because I've been practically fangirling over Daryl with my twitter friend @MyChemBrides for the past two days and decided to make this. :D I hope you enjoy it, please tell me what you think. (: Much love <3


Sitting in against the door of the toilet cubicle, I began to cry. He was dead, never coming back. Only, he would come back. But it wouldn’t be him anymore. He’ll turn into a monster, like everyone else. I’ve lost him, the real him anyway.

My brother had come in here for a mere operation, and was on the road to recovery, but then they attacked. I’d had no other choice but to run. There weren’t many of them that had gotten into his room, but there were enough that he had no chance of surviving. And it was my fault.

They’d surely be dead by now. I mean really dead. Not the living dead that all of them were turning into, but dead in that they are no longer alive at all. There were loads of armed military people around, but maybe they’re all dead too. They had massive guns, so I doubt they would be. I’d like to hope they shot all the...monsters down.

There aren’t many around at the moment, it’s only the beginning. But it will get worse, it won’t just stop. They don’t even know what this illness is yet. The police in an attempt to keep the disaster on a down-low haven’t put a name to these things yet. That would make it all too real for them to cope, but I know what they are, they’re zombies. The living dead.

Upon hearing someone enter the bathroom, I stand up and unlock the cubicle, there’s the only one and I presume they’ll want to use it. That’s when I realise my mistake. I hear the low grown that they make, those monsters that everyone’s become.

Frantically, I try to lock the door again, but it’s too late, the thing shoved its arm in the way of my closing the door. I could clearly see the bite mark on their arm, black blood oozing out of it. Their skin was a grey-green colour and it looked like it was rotting from the inside out. The stench alone was enough to make me want to be sick; it was like fish, sewage and vomit, all mixed into one. It was overpowering.

I’d never been so scared in my life. I knew I was going to die. No, you won’t die. That’s right, I won’t die. I’ll turn into one of them, things.

It’s true what they say, your whole life does flash before your eyes, but I had no time to think about it, I didn’t want it to end like this. I didn’t want to be one of those things.

Even pushing all of my weight on the door I was still too weak to keep it closed, I could feel it being forced open. Desperately, I looked around the small cubicle for something, anything that I could use as a weapon. Nothing. It was empty. I let out a small growl of frustration.

There wasn’t even a toilet scrubber in here. Just the toilet and toilet roll. Then I saw it, the air freshener spray.

Leaping forwards I grabbed it, knowing full well that the thing pushing against the door would be able to come in. I quickly turned and sprayed it in the face. Hoping to distract it enough to make a run for it.

It didn’t work. It just made them angry, and now I was trapped in the cramped cubicle with a monster. I shook the can, empty. I don’t know why, but I threw the can at them. I knew it would piss them off more, but I was panicking. The monster locked its eyes on me, it’s cold, dead eyes. They looked like two black holes sucking in all light and life from anything or anyone that looked at them for too long, the eyes alone frightened me, but I knew if I looked away I would become one of them; it would give it the chance to bite me, but I hope to prolong the time before it comes. I put my feet up to my attackers chest, pushing them away from me in an attempt to get their teeth as far away from me as possible.

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