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   “Asian prick! You killed him! He was still alive! Are you blind or something! He was alive!” Daryl yelled at the top of his voice, waking everyone up.

   “Daryl, calm down!” I soothed, but it had no effect.

   “Don’t tell me to calm down Thumbelina, all you’ve been is trouble. Just stay out of my way, got that?” He shoved past me and went and sat in his car, alone.

   “Merle?” Rebecca cried, cradling her brother’s head in her arms, holding it to her chest. “Come back to me, Merle? Don’t leave me.”

   She had tears streaming down her face, and I was sure that her screams of misery would attract some walkers, but I didn’t want to say that to her. She needed to grieve.

   Glenn was sat on the ground apologising to himself and everyone over and over, trying to repair the damage that he’d caused.

   I didn’t know what I was supposed to do; it was a site of chaos. The others in the camp were just milling about, watching Rebecca sob for her lost loved one, watching Glenn try and repair his damaged mind.

   I ran my hand through my hair for what felt like the millionth time in under five minutes. “Dale, can you sort Glenn out, Andrea, can you help me tear Rebecca away from Merle, we need to get inside, and we need someone on watch.” I heard myself say, though, it didn’t feel like me at all. I’d always been more of a follower than a leader. It’s funny, before all this kicked off I was a waitress in a small cafe, taking orders was what I did for a living, now I’m giving the orders. I smirked inwardly at my small pun. But seriously, nothing would have happened if I hadn’t spoken up. We’d still be stood frozen to the spot, watching the sorry sight before our eyes.

   Frantic feet began running towards the camp, I turned to see two people legging it towards us with at least three walkers behind them.

   As they grew closer I could see that there was one woman and one man, the man was holding a small boy in his arms, about the size of Sophia.

   “Take him.” The man said thrusting the boy into Andrea’s arms before running back to deal with the walkers. Retrieving my bat I hastily follow.

   Lifting my bat above my head, I quickly bring it down with as much force as I can muster. I do that again and again until the walker’s skull crumples and caves in, then I move onto the next one. This one is a big guy, not just height but width too. It takes me at least twice as long to take him down, repeatedly smashing him in the face with my bat. He steps back with a loud shriek clutching his face, but I don’t stop until he’s on the ground with a gaping hole in his head.

   I heard gunshots, was he mad? These were probably brought here by Glenn’s shot earlier, now he’s firing more? Granted, he wasn’t here earlier for Merle’s death, but any walker that didn’t hear Glenn’s shot, will most definitely have heard his as he killed the last few walkers.

   Turning, I started heading back to the camp. “Don’t I even get an introduction after you came to fight so valiantly beside me?”

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