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I've decided to edit myself, meaning quicker uploads, by quicker I mean like, once every two or three days. I didn't do this before because I'm so lazy, but yeah, so if some chapters are alright for half of it then get sloppy that's because I got bored of editing. ;)

Walking down my road, I could smell the unmistakable stench of smoke and ash. Immediately I began to worry as irrational thoughts and questions plagued my mind but only one stuck the most. What if it’s my house?

I shook my head, trying to think positively, of course it couldn’t be. My mother and brother were the two people I trusted most in this world. They would ensure that both my house and my baby were okay. After relaxing a little I continued to walk the rest of the way down the road. The handles of the carrier bags which I was holding were biting into my palms; they were heavy from the amount I’d bought. We’d run out of food a few days ago, but it wasn’t until now that I felt well enough to venture out of my bedroom, let alone my house.

I’d only been gone half an hour and knew that nothing could have happened in that amount of time. Though, I still feared for my family. Even if it wasn’t my home, some unfortunate soul would be suffering with their house burning down. My pace quickens as I wonder whose house it could be, but all my questions are answered when I see thick black smoke billowing out of every nook and cranny in the quaint house that stood a few hundred feet in front of me.

My breath caught in my throat and my eyes widened with the realisation of whose house it was.

My own.

Dropping the bags of shopping at my feet I began to run to my house. It felt like it took days to reach it, but it can’t have been more than a few seconds. Fully intent on running inside the now blazing house I sprinted across the grass only to be pulled back at the last second. The stranger and I stumbled backwards, but he regained his balance and held me steady. I turned to him and hit his chest repeatedly, tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn’t care who it was, he’d just prevented me from saving my baby.

“Emilia, Em, it’s me. It’s me.” He soothed. I recognised the voice as Dylan’s. I looked up at him, his eyes looked tired and he looked like he’s been here for a while, trying to sort everything out. I blinked out of shock as he brought his lips down onto mine, kissing me.

This was not unusual for us, but I didn’t want to do it here, now. I pushed him away from me.

“He’s in there Dylan, my baby, Thomas, he’s in there he needs me!” I screamed at him. I covered my mouth with a trembling hand and felt Dylan pull me into him, hugging me. I shifted into a position where I could see the fire. I couldn’t peel my eye’s away, not even to blink.

I presumed Dylan had called the fire service as they were already dousing the fire making it safe for them to go inside to rescue anyone that might still be in there. It was taking too long, Thomas needed them. He needed me. This was my fault, I knew I shouldn’t have left, but mum had forced me. She made me. I should’ve stayed there.

Oh God. Mum and Adrian were still inside too. They were in danger too.

I knew if it wasn’t for Dylan holding me, I would have fallen to the ground long ago; he was the only stability I had right now. But I knew he was hurting too, his best friend had died not two months ago; he was just acting strong, for me.

Jack, if you were here now, would you hate me for what I’ve done? Would you hate me for leaving our baby boy? For kissing Dylan?

I’m sorry.

Four people emerged from the now smouldering remains of my home. Two were firemen; one was carrying something in his arms, but hurried off to the ambulance before I could see what it was. The other two were walking with a blanket round their shoulders; they also made their way over to an ambulance, different to the one the fireman went to.

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