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So yeah, here you go.....I hope there aren't many mistakes.....there is some swearing in this chapter by the way. I feel the need to warn you. If I forget anytime, then I'm sorry, but I know for sure there is lots of swearing in this.


“Glenn, I need you to show me how to get into the city.”

“I’ve already told you, no.”

“Why not?”

“It’s too dangerous for you to go alone.”

“You do it. Day in day out. What’s the problem with me going in?” He stayed silent. “Well?”

“You don’t have the experience of being in the city that I do. If you’re going to go I’ll go with you.” I sighed in frustration. The whole point of me wanting to go into town is to have some time alone, but I’m not going to get to go if I don’t at least make a compromise, I know that much.

“Fine.” I say before turning to go and get my bat and a gun. “We leave in ten.”

I stood waiting for Glenn at the edge of camp, he was late. By a good five minutes at least. I sighed, putting my hands in my pocket. The necklace. Pulling my hand out of my pocket, I toy with the necklace in my hands. The crucifix itself is nothing special, a plain bit of silver metal, but it has a primrose engraved on one side of it because that was my mum’s name. Primrose. Her name is engraved on the other side. It isn’t just special because it was my mum’s, it was special because my dad bought it for her. They gave it to Adrian because I got most of her other jewellery, me being a girl. But this necklace wasn’t as feminine as the others. With this single piece of jewellery I had a piece of all three of them, my entire family.

“Are you ready to go?” Glenn said startling me.

“What is it with you and sneaking up with people?” I quickly shoved the necklace into my pocket, I couldn’t wear it yet, the chain was broken.

“Sorry, I did try to talk to you, but you were away with the fairies.” I looked at him, but then saw figures behind him too, Andrea, Daryl and the idiot who fired those shots last night. “Oh, they’re coming with us.”

“Fabulous.” I couldn’t have said it with more spite and sarcasm if I had tried. I mean, Andrea was alright, but I’m not sure that Shane and I would get along, and Daryl didn’t seem to like me, despite letting me in last night. And if I’m honest, I wasn’t in the best of moods with him at the moment either.

Glenn shot me an apologetic look but I ignored it, so he simply led the way. I hung back though, not wanting to talk to any of them. But that Shane just couldn’t stay away.

“So are you the camp leader?” I scoffed at this. Leader?

“No, I’m not leader material.”

“You didn’t seem to be doing a bad job back there, getting everyone organised.”

“A leader is someone who appears to be coping even when they’re not; I’m most definitely not coping with all this.” I say, fiddling with my necklace again. It seems to have become a nervous habit.

“You don’t seem like you’re taking it any worse than the rest of us, you still seem to have a level head, make decisions. You know what you’re talking about.”

“I know what needs to be done. I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. Anyway, let’s change the topic, where abouts are you from, I mean, what’s your story?”

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