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Okay, so I gave up on editing, I will edit at a later date, right now though I'm tired so I'm just uploading. (: I hope you enjoy. <3

“We’ve got to move faster!” Tyreese panicked. He was right; it was once again growing dark for the second time since we’d left on our search for Daryl, and if we didn’t at least get back to the house soon we’d be stuck out in the open in no condition to defend ourselves.

I hoisted Daryl’s arm into a more comfortable position on my shoulder. He was still unconscious so Tyreese and I had been sharing his weight for the past mile and a half. It would have been a lot easier if we both were in better condition, but in truth we were barely able to walk ourselves. For the look of horror and shock Tyreese had given me for what I’d done to Mike, he sure didn’t go easy on the other two guys. That scene was almost as terrible as the one I’d caused.

Every step we took my stomach clenched a little more, my head still pounded and it felt like every joint in my body was set in stone. I needed to throw up, but Daryl’s needs were greater than mine. The gash on his chest was bleeding heavily so Tyreese bound it, as best he could, using his belt. Daryl’s white shirt was now brown with a slowly growing bloodstain down the centre where the open wound was. He wasn’t a pretty sight; he had bruises all over his body and a large wound on his head too. But then, none of us looked particularly attractive right now. I’m sure we could easily be mistaken for walkers.

Tyreese was holding Daryl’s crossbow from the truck as well as holding Daryl up. He’d found it leant against the wall outside the door to the cabin.

The house was slowly coming into view in the distance and with each step Daryl seemed to put on ten pounds in weight.

“Nearly there,” Tyreese encouraged though I’m sure he was pushing himself forwards as much as he was urging me on.

“Oh God!” I heard Rebecca call from the house’s gate. She’d obviously seen us coming and I’m sure the state we were in we looked worse than the walkers. The gash Daryl had on his chest was bleeding so heavily almost his entire shirt was stained. Tyreese had attempted to bind the wound, but it hadn’t done much help, he needed proper bandages. Daryl had woken up a few times on the journey back from the house, though he’d been delirious before falling out of consciousness again. “T-dog, Rick, get out here!” Rebecca called into the grounds.

“What is it?” Rick called back.

“They’re back, they need help!” She said as Rick came to join her at the gate. Having obviously seen us making our slow journey towards the house, Rick and T-dog ran to offer us help. T-dog took Daryl and Rick came over to me.

“I’m fine, help Tyreese.” I mumbled, but I felt like I would collapse any second.

“No, you’re not. Tyreese is okay, let me help you.” He said. I was about to respond when I threw up on the floor. My head was still pounding like I had a really bad hangover; it caused my vision to be unfocused, which definitely wasn’t helped by my eyes darting from one area to another involuntarily. Rick wrapped his arm under my shoulder and placed my arm around his shoulders to help me forwards. I felt like I was going to be sick again, but I tried to keep it down, we needed to get to the house before it grew any darker.

“What happened to you guys? Shane said you were meant to come back yesterday.” T-dog said.

“Got into a bit of trouble with some survivors.” Tyreese said coldly. I felt his eyes train on me, suggesting it was my fault, which it was. But my guilt at what had happened as an after effect of my actions was already enough without him pinning his blame on my too. It was my fault in more ways than one. I wasn’t there to protect Mike’s people, to tell them about the horde quick enough, and I was forced Tyreese to stay at the cabin. It was my fault that Tyreese was hurt in the process.

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