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I'll just let you read this in the knowledge that I'm meeting Norman Reedus (The actor who plays Daryl) next week. ;)

We pulled up outside a huge house with a fence surrounding the entire garden. There was a huge black iron gate which we drove in through. It looked almost safe, but I no longer felt safe anywhere. I’m more scared of myself than anyone else.

The driver’s side door clicks open and Daryl steps out of the car. I, however, stay where I am. There are too many thoughts running through my head to want to face anyone. Tucking my knees under my neck, I rest my chin on them. Out of the window I see everyone meeting and greeting the strangers that we’ve moved into the house of.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I know I should go and meet them too, but with the mood I’m in I don’t suppose anyone would like me. Or even want to talk to me.

I fake a smile, practising for later, when I’ll inevitably have to talk to people. Even though I can’t see it, I know it even looks false. It doesn’t feel right on my face. Frowning again I rest my forehead on my knees.

The truck wobbles slightly as someone gets in beside me. I don’t look over to them. I don’t care who it is, when they speak I’ll find out.

“Are you not coming to meet everyone?” They say from beside me, I don’t recognise the voice so I turn my head slightly I see there’s a young boy sat beside me; I say young, he’s about my age, yet his eager eyes suggest he’s younger. His scruffy hair a bright blonde and his eyes a dazzling blue. He grinned wildly, something which I’m jealous of in these sickening times.

“No.” I say bluntly. I didn’t feel the need to discuss it any further.

“Dylan said you’re all going to be living here. It would be nice for you to know our names, at the very least.”

“I’m not in the right mood to meet people; I’ll get angry and piss everyone off. It’s best I wait until morning.”

“You haven’t pissed me off.” Why is this kid so damn cheery? It’s doing my head in.

“Can’t say the feeling’s mutual right now.” His smile didn’t even falter. If anything it got bigger.

“I’m Alex.”

“Why are you so happy? Have you not seen the state of the world recently?”

“There’s no point dwelling on the past, what’s happened has happened. We just need to get on with it. I suppose being sad just doesn’t suit me.” He grinned yet again. “You never told me your name.”

I gave him a sidelong glance before replying. “Emilia.” His face finally dropped and he gasped a little. It looked as though someone had just put a gun to his head.

“You’re Emilia?”

“That’s what I just said, kid.”

“You’re practically famous in this camp!” I rolled my eyes. “Dylan has told everyone about you! About what you did for Jack. You have you be the nicest person in the world!” I sighed, was bringing Jack into this really necessary?

“There aren’t many people left in this world. It’s not that hard. Besides, I’ve changed. I’m not nice anymore.” I turn and look straight out of the window. “Now, if I go and meet people, will you leave me alone?”

He nods his head; gee, you’d think he was five the way he looked up to me when in fact he looked about my age.

Stepping out of the car I look around and see everyone talking a few feet away.

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