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I like how no one has commented on how I'm too lazy to write chapter in front of the chapter name... :L

Anyway, here's another chapter, I was going to update yesterday but I was windsurfing. :L I did a competition today. (: And I know none of you actually read this, but incase you're not interested I came second. (': And no, not out of 2. Out of 4.

Anyways, I'll let you read it now. (': <3


   I clenched my eyes shut and hid my face in Daryl’s arm as the fence let out an unearthly creak. This was it. There was no way out of this one, other than going back the way we came, but I could already hear the groans of the undead coming from that direction. I didn’t want to look down the gap we’d just come down, I knew there’d be walkers trying to get down it, unsuccessfully, of course. They’d still be doing a good job at getting us killed though.

   Seconds before the fence gave in, a car alarm started shrieking somewhere out on the road in front of us. It drove past, and thankfully most of the walkers followed the sound of the alarm, which left behind a much more manageable amount.

   I swear I heard Glenn shouting, but I dismissed it, it couldn’t be him. Could it?

   The fence crashed down in front of us and the five or six walkers that remained made their slow, jerky way towards us. I smirked, and whispered a thank you to the sky.

   I never believed in god, but I felt like someone was looking out for us right now. It would be rude not to have said thank you to them, whoever it may be. For they had rescued us from the inevitable death I had expected to hit.

   I lifted my bat and stood in an offensive position, waiting for the walkers to reach us.

   The first one to reach us no longer has a lower jaw, so I don’t worry about him biting me for the time being, it can’t bite, the second one though looks like they might have worked out at the gym a lot before they died, so it looked strong. Stronger than most walkers, anyway. I lift my bat high above my head and slam it down into their head as hard as I can, but it doesn’t even falter.

   Repeating this action it becomes clear to me that my bat won’t work, they’re just too strong. I take in a shaky breath as the walker gets too close for comfort to me, but then it goes down, a knife protruding out of its eye. I feel the need to throw up, but know this isn’t the time.

   I look over to Daryl and silently thank him. Shuddering, I feel something wet and slimy make its way up my arm. The walker with no lower jaw is licking me, trying to taste the flesh it so desperately wants to eat, but can’t. Shuddering, I smash my bat into its skull, over and over and over again, feeling it’s infected blood splatter my face and clothing, but not caring, these creatures have taken away so much from me, have caused so much pain and misery to be inflicted upon this world.

   I can feel myself smashing into its head, but it’s like I can’t see what I’m doing. I feel my body wrack with sobs as I know my attempts to kill these walkers may not be futile, but even if we get out of this mess, who’s to say we’ll get out of the city?

   That’s not the only reason I felt the need to attack this walker so violently. The way its tongue felt against my skin brought back deep and dark memories. Memories I’d locked away from even me for so long.

   Daryl puts an arm on my shoulder, telling me to stop. That’s when I truly look at the damage I caused. Their skill had completely caved into their face and pieces of brain and splatters of blood painted the walls and myself in a sickening gore.

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