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This has not been edited! Okay! Just warning you. There may be a few (by a few I mean a lot) mistakes in this, so I apologise. Enjoy. (: <3

I couldn’t move, I could only stare; stare at the spot where Jack was sat only moments ago. He’s left me again. Alone.

He didn’t say good bye last time, either, but somehow, this time feels worse. Like I’m truly being deserted. What if I never saw him again? What if this was just a one off? As much as I knew what it meant for me, that it meant I was crazy, I so desperately wanted to talk to him forever. There was never enough time to talk to him before he left, to tell him I love him, to tell him that I need him here with me, but now I am alone.

I let my head fall back against the wall and turned to look out of the window. I could hear the muffled groans of walkers inside the house, but it sounded as though they were leaving having not found any food inside. There were still too many walkers for me to want to leave just yet; for it to be safe for me to leave yet.

Jack’s words were swimming round my head. We’re all infected? What could he mean by that? How could he know? This world is too crazy for me to understand; the dead no longer stay dead and the living are all infected with the disease that caused it.

Though, of all the things that I want to know, I want to know how it all happened the most. Doesn’t everyone? I’ve heard speculations, theories, but none of them seem to be certain, some don’t even make sense. Some believe it was terrorists, others the wrath of God, but they both sound silly. How could terrorists have the power to cause a disease on a world wide scale and why would God do this to us?

Anyone trying to find the cause, scientists or whatever, have probably long given up by now; I know I would have.

Out of the window the walkers are still passing. They’re so many that anyone who might come into contact with them won’t stand a chance of fighting, let alone surviving.

Then it occurred to me that they’re all heading in the direction of camp, the camp where all of my group are. As much as they annoy me, I can’t let them die. I can’t let them get over run without a warning at least, especially if I know it’s going to happen.

“Fuck!” I curse. There is no way I can help them until all of the walkers have gone past them. By that point the ones that went past the house first won’t be more than a mile away from the house.

There’re only a few walkers out front now, not enough for me to feel comfortable leaving, but I can’t wait here any longer, not when I know there are people in danger.

Slowly, I open the hatch, checking for walkers as I did so. There were none in the room, there had been though. The family looked as though they’d been chewed on a little and there was blood all over the door. I held my breath as I lowered myself into the room below. My entire body was shaking and I felt as though even breathing would make too much noise and attract the walkers. I scooped up the rucksack and threw it onto my back slipping both of my arms through the straps.

Something smacked on the window and I jumped, spinning around so fast I nearly fell over. It was a walker. It would attract more if it kept pounding like that. I had to get out of here. Now.

I sprinted out of there, my breathing getting faster and faster more out of fear than excursion. Walkers were making their slow but steady way towards me, but I was too fast. I hopped on the bile and shoved the keys in the ignition. Starting it up I immediately rode off.

They swiped their undead hands at me, almost throwing me off balance, but I dodged them and got out of there.

They’d follow me though, I knew they would. I decided to go back through the town, at the speed I was going I’d be at the house in five minutes, but if I didn’t speed up the walkers would be there first.

The wind was blowing through my hair, and had it have been any other occasion I would have taken the time to enjoy it, but this is life or death.

It didn’t take long before I caught glimpses of the town blurring past. I slowed ever so slightly when I saw figures ahead, they were making their way out of the shop I was in just the night before. They weren’t walkers, it was Kaitlin and Mike. They must have returned to gather more supplies early this morning.

“There are walkers heading this way, you need to get your people out of here!” I shouted as I zoomed past, not even waiting to see if they’d heard me. I needed to get back to the house. To see if everyone is okay. If they’re not I’ll help them and if they are I’ll get them to where they’ll remain that way.

I was only moments away, and as I drew closer I came across more and more walkers. They must have gotten into the house. What if everyone was dead? It would be my fault, for not defending them, for not helping them.

At the house the gates were busted open and there were walkers crawling all over the place. I fidgeted slightly, before making the decision to leave. They wouldn’t have survived this. They couldn’t have survived. Their only hope would have been to get out of there, to have gotten to anywhere but here. If they had left the house, I don’t know where I’m going to find them. But knowing Rick I presume they’ve headed further into the country, and I only know of one direction they would have gone.

I restart the bike and get going; the walkers had gotten too close for comfort.

My hunch was right, I followed the road that headed away from the town into the countryside and came across Dale’s RV about twenty miles down. It was dark, but I knew they wouldn’t shoot at me; I was on a motorcycle after all.

I paused a few hundred feet from camp. I didn’t know what to expect, what I was in for when I got there; how many were dead.

I saw a figure approaching, but it was too dark to be able to tell who it was just yet.

“You came back?” It was Rebecca.

“Don’t I always?”

“I thought you were dead!” She wept wrapping her arms around my neck.

“You need to stop making that presumption.”

“You left us! Daryl went crazy because you disappeared, he was pissed at everyone, went out hunting by himself. He’s not back yet either.”

“He’s not? He won’t know about the house!” I gasped.

“But neither did you.”

“No, I did. I saw that horde and was coming back to warn you, but I was too late. That’s why I took so long, I was hiding.”

“That wasn’t the first horde we experienced while you were gone.” She looked down as if she was hiding something.

“What aren’t you telling me?” she didn’t respond. “Becky, you have to tell me what you’re hiding.” I demanded.

“There were so many. People died, Emilia.” She was really crying now, huge tears drowned her eyes and spilt over her cheeks.

“Who?” She shook her head at me, still unwilling to say. “Is Carol and Sophia okay? What about Alex? Dylan? Who is it?” I all but yelled at her, gripping her shoulders.

“Dylan. He died! He was bitten right in front of me! Rose and Ben died too.”

I felt my eyes physically widen and my mouth dropped slightly. Dead. He can’t be dead too, can he?

He was gone now too, I knew how it felt to lose someone, but this felt worse than I’d felt before. Not because it was Dylan, but because he was my last living connection to Jack. He was the only person that knew him.

Now he was gone too.

Was it good? I don't know if it was or not. :L So... Comment/Vote/Fan (': <3

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