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I'm trying to draw the search for Daryl out for as long as possible because I'm nearing the end of this book. BEFORE YOU HUNT ME DOWN AND BEAT ME UP THOUGH! It's not the end of this story. ;) I'm going to do it in seperate books because other wise this story will be like 100 parts or something stupid and if you saw a story that long, would you want to read it? Didn't think so. So, this only has like 5 parts (ish) left then Emilia's story shall continue in The walking dead (fanfic) TWO :D <3 So, enjoy this part. (':

We took one of the cars initially only to ensure we’d be back before dark. When we were about five miles away from the house we went by foot; if there were any walkers a car was more likely to draw their attention as it was noisier. Though, if we were caught in a horde we’d have little chance of surviving unless we ran as fast as we could.

“How old are you Alex?” Rebecca asked. At least they were talking. Shane had taken to leading the way and Tyreese was behind us all. I, on the other hand, was walking off to the side as close to the edge of the road as possible. I didn’t need Shane or Rebecca or anyone talking to me.

“Nineteen, I’ll be twenty on the seventeenth of August, whenever that is, I don’t know the date anymore.” He’s older than me? If only by a year I still didn’t expect it. I thought he would be sixteen, seventeen at the oldest.

“I think Andrea is keeping track of the days, you should ask her.” Rebecca said.

“I will, I will, when’s your birthday?”

“Twenty second of April, I’ll be twenty-one.” Rebecca smiled.

“Legal to drink alcohol in public!” Alex cheers. I would tell him to be quiet, but at least someone’s happy. I can’t help but smirk a little bit at his reaction.

The house was just coming into view in the distance. From what I could see there weren’t any walkers around it, it looked completely abandoned; though, that didn’t mean we could let our guards down.

“Emilia, there’s nothing here.” Alex said as if he could read my thoughts.

“We don’t know that yet, let’s just get closer.” I said to him. “Shane, Rebecca, you take downstairs. Newbie, Alex, you come with me upstairs. Stick together.”

“Hold up, who said you get to pick who we’re with? You ain’t no leader.” Shane moaned. Did I really expect cooperation from Shane?

“Yes she is. She was the leader of the group before you or Rick came along, you just ignored her. She did a better job than either of you, so I trust she’s made a good choice in what she’s told us to do, will you just shut up and accept it for once?” Rebecca defended me. I didn’t expect it to keep Shane quiet for long, but when he didn’t reply for the rest of the way to the house I gave Rebecca a proud glance. This was the first time she’d ever stuck up for anyone, she had always been the quiet type since I met her, but this just proved me wrong.

We paused outside the gate and Shane took a look around the edge. Raising his hand he beckoned us to follow him inside, suggesting that it’s safe. We all crept round the corner, weapons poised for attack. We run to the house, taking out the few walkers in the yard on the way, but that was it, only a few. Rebecca and Alex stick to the middle of the group, keeping out the way of any kind of confrontation, allowing Shane, Tyreese and I to deal with the walkers.

Tyreese is pretty handy with that hammer, I’m sure I could grow to trust him if he proved that he is more useful than just protecting himself. Maybe he’s even become a friend.

I was trying to stop caring for everyone, but I was finding it hard. After protecting everyone at camp so many times and risking my life to bring them food no matter how many times they put me down I feel closer to them than ever before. Even if I acted like I didn’t like anyone, deep down I knew it was just that, an act. Perhaps others could see the falseness in my actions too.

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