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Sorry it took so long, I've been manically busy, plus, this chapter took ages to write, I don't know why. I was going to have it with the next chapter but I decided to split it there, I thought it was a good place to end it. You'll see (: Enjoy.

I had decided to take the first watch, though it was virtually impossible to see anything. It was clear in all directions, and the moon cast light down on us, though it didn’t seem to help lift the darkness. I had a torch beside me, though I was only to use it if I saw anything moving. The light would attract walkers to us otherwise.

Daryl still hasn’t returned. I was beginning to worry about him, what if all of the walkers were still at the house when he got there, what if they all turned on him? I had to go and find him, to make sure he’s okay; even though I’m sure I’m the last person he wants to help him. I had, after all, deserted him. Left him alone. And stolen his motorcycle.

Rick was still awake, he was sat leaning against one of the cars talking to Glenn; I didn’t want to interrupt their conversation though, it seemed quite serious.

Just then three shadows stumbled out of the tree line a little way up the road. They didn’t look like they were walkers, but I couldn’t be sure; it was too dark to see them clearly. I picked up my torch and bat and hopped down off of the RV.

“Rick, there’s something up the road; I’m just going to check it out.” I said and both he and Glenn stood up to follow, readying their weapons. It was nice to finally have some support from the group. I’d grown to almost half expect them to ignore me, but I suppose they both had others on their minds than to help me. Rick was probably only helping to protect his son and wife, whereas Glenn would always stand by Rick.

As we got closer I raised my bat ready to strike and Glenn and Rick did the same with their weapons, but when I shined my torch on them I could clearly see they were alive.

“Woah, woah, don’t shoot! I’m alive, we’re all alive!” The tallest of the three yelled loud enough to wake the dead.

“Wanna keep it down?” I mumbled, but I’m sure no one except Glenn heard who then glared at me briefly before returning his attention to the people in front of us.

“What’s your name?” Rick asked, trusting them immediately, as usual.

“I’m Tyreese; this here’s Julie and her partner Chris. We’re just looking for some food.” He said, still holding his hands up in the air. He held a blood covered hammer in one hand and the other had a small crank torch. The young couple stood behind him, cradling each other for protection. They didn’t look as accustomed to this new world as Tyreese did; there was no sign of a weapon on them. It looked almost as though Tyreese had been protecting them this whole time.

“We’ve got food that we’re more than happy to share, come on.” Rick said to the new comers before turning to me. “Emilia, can you get back on watch?”

“Sure.” I rolled my eyes, certain he wouldn’t see it. He never spoke to me how he would speak to Shane or Glenn or even Daryl, he just ordered me about, or treated me like a kid. Even after I told him exactly how he annoyed me he still hasn’t changed.

I wanted to be on watch though; it means I can keep a look out for Daryl. He has to return at some point, I know for certain that he would make the same presumption about where Rick would go as I did. He’d be safe, he had to be safe.

My mind took my thoughts to the topic I’d been trying to avoid. Dylan. He’s dead. The last thing I said to him was horrible, I told him that I never loved him, how must that have made him feel? Perhaps I should have thought before I spoke, perhaps I shouldn’t have snapped and should have made it clear that I cared about him, that I loved him, but only as a friend, as a brother. If anything had happened to him I would have been broken, but now something had happened to him I can’t help but blame myself. Maybe he grew careless because he had nothing left to live for.

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