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I'm sorry for the shitness of this chapter, kept missing things out while writing it. :/ And I have like a gazillion different endings and I didn't like any of them.


Sure enough, Jim was stood in the centre of camp clutching his stomach. His top surrounding the area he held his stomach was stained a deep red with blood. But it didn’t look as though it was from a wound that bleeding heavily, more from a wound that was big. I drew in a shaky breath, from what I knew about Jim, he’d survived Atlanta being shut off, and had escaped from the inside. That would have been overwhelming amounts of walkers and so many more people panicking than there were in the camp, yet he was able to survive in Atlanta, but not the walkers coming through camp.

   His face showed just how terrified he was, his eyes wide, his chin and bottom lip shaking slightly.  I heard the voices of my fellow campmates and tuned myself into what they were saying.

   “We should just kill him now, get it over with, he’s gonna turn anyway.”

   “I agree, let’s just kill him now.”

   “We should wait until he’s turned, then send a bullet through his brain.”

   “No!” I heard someone disagree with them all. “He’s been bitten, so what?! He’s still living, he still has feelings and you’re discussing how you’re going to kill him? While he’s stood right there?” They continued.

   It was only when everyone stopped and glared at me that I realised the outburst came from my lips. It was me who was arguing to protect Jim’s life.

   “He’s been bit, he needs to be shot.” Daryl stated.

   I didn’t understand how this man could be so nice, so caring just a few seconds ago, but now wants to shoot a living breathing man. “Is that what you were going to do to me when I thought I was bitten? Just shoot me through the head?” I said, not just feeling angry but also hurt. He just looked away, almost ashamed of himself.

   “I just want to be with my family.” Jim whispers barely audible above even the sound of the wind in the background. But I heard it, just.

   “We’re leaving in a few hours anyway, we’ll drop him off near Atlanta, leave him to be with his family.” Rick said. My eyes wondered back to Jim, he was crying, with fear I presume. I felt bad for him. I knew how he felt, but my fear had been short lived. He would have to fight it all the way through.

   “I’ll take him to lay in the RV.” Donna offered.

   Daylight was beginning to glow over the top most branches of the forest we were camped near. Most of us had stayed up all night to finish packing, though I had gotten a few hours sleep. I was exhausted from the events of last night, both physically and emotionally.

   The first thing I did was check in on Jim, I felt that even though I wasn’t a good friend of his, it would be polite to do so.

   “Hey,” I said as I entered the RV, not really sure of what else to say. I figured asking how he was just wouldn’t cut it; he’s been bitten after all. “I brought you some food.” I smiled.

   He just looked up at me, the fear clearly written on his face. He was sat in the corner of the bed right up against the wall, and was paler than the sheets he was wrapped in. Beads of sweat rolled down the side of his face, though it could have been tears, but I didn’t want to dwell on that. There’s something inside me that feels like it’s intruding to see a grown man cry.

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