Chapter Twenty

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"That's so cute."

"Hey, stop it."

"Come down, its just a picture. But isn't it cute, I should post it on instagram."

"Post what?" Austin's chest vibrates my head when he speaks.

"This picture of you two. Your a couple right?"

This is when I snap right up straight.

"No." Austin says getting up since I'm not laying on him.

He grabs Cailyn's phone from her and does some thing and then gives it back to her.

"You not of posted that picture." Austin grits through his teeth.

"What if I did?" Cailyn smirks.

Austin grabs her phone from her again, did some thing to it a little longer than before.

"Good, you didn't." He mumbles.

"Why don't you want that picture on the internet?"

"Because..." Austin mumbles.

"What ever, just give me back my phone." Cailyn says.


"What did you just say?"


Cailyn kicks Austin and his first thing he does is throw the phone. It hits the wall and then the ground and shatters.

"You son of a bitch." Cailyn screeches.

Austin stands there, smirking.

"Oops." Austin says.

I burst out laughing then I wish I didn't because every one is now looking at me. I clear my throat quickly and they go back looking at Cailyn.

"I want want every one out of my damn house! Now!" Cailyn screams.

I'm the first one out of the apartment and I run to Destiny's house.

I open up the door to Destiny's house and run to my bedroom and flop down on my bed.

"She scares the shit out of you some times, doesn't she?" A voice says from in the door way.

I scream becaue it scared me and I turn around to see Austin there.

"Yeah, some times." I say.

He comes over to me and sits on my bed so that I'm laying down and he is sitting about where my waist is.

Its really quiet for a while then I speak up.

"Why are you always around me?"

"You don't want me near you?"

"No, I do, but why?"

"Cailyn, and we're friends, right?"

"Yeah, we are." I say smiling at him. "You're my best friend though."

"You are mine too." He says staring in me eyes, deeply.

I don't know why, but I just don't want any thing to stop this moment right now. I didn't notice how much closer Austin was getting to me until I felt a pair of soft lips with mine. I kiss back not wanting this to ever end. But he pulls away with a smirk on his face. I smile.

He grabs my hand, "How about we become more than best friends?"

I sit up straight, "Will this answer you?"

I lean in and kiss him on the lips, deeply. I just want more. I pull away to see the look on Austin's face.

"You know how long I've been waiting for this to happen?"

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