Prologe (I know,i spelled it wrong)

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It was at the time where everything was so innocent,so at peace,Max, Chloe and you were at it again,playing pirate in the backyard of your home,you being the dreaded black beard and Max and Chloe being the pirate hero's. Normally you would wear (Choice of shirt, sweater) (choice of jacket) along with (choices of pants,or shorts),though for this occasion,you decided to wear a fake black beard with a good old fashion plastic sword and pirate get up,along with Max and Chloe who were wearing classic pirate outfits with bandanas and eye patches.But enough about the outfits,During the time you 3 were playing,Max accidentally fell and scratched her knee on the ground,alerted,you and Chloe ran to her side and you examined her wound while Chloe tried to comfort Max who was slightly crying.

(Max):(Sniffles and cries) hurts...

(Chloe):Shh,don't cry Max,Y/n's looking at it now, he'll make it better, he's always looking out for us Remember? (She said giving her a reassuring smile which calmed Max down a bit but still whimpered due to the after burn of the fall)

(Y/n):(focused on her wound) hmm... slightly bruised...bit of the skin came off...minor burn...and...mhm...ok,I know what you need Max(you said smiling while running behind the tree of your backyard and pulling out a first aid kit)

(Y/n):and you guys said that me always carrying a first aid kit was dumb. (you said while pulling out an ice pack,some anti bacterial spray for cuts and bandages)

(Y/n) ok Max,this will hurt but only for a second ok? I need you to be strong,can you be for Chloe and me? (You asked her with a soft smile and Chloe smiling at her while Max answered back with a nod and a small smile of her own)

(Y/n) good,now take both Chloe and my hand,this will sting a bit (She nodded and gently holds Chloe's hand first and with her other hand holds yours)

(Y/n):Ok buddy,in the count of 3...1...3! (you sprayed the spray on a clean cloth and firmly pressed it in her knee while she was surprised by the sudden shock of the effect of the spray and would've screamed if you haven't put your hand in her mouth for her to bite on,with enough force to draw blood to your hand,but it didn't matter to you,for your friends...your best friends,you would do anything for them.)
(You just finished cleaning her wound and gently rest the ice pack on her knee and gently wraps around the bandages around the ice pack to make sure it stays in place for her knee to heal) (You sighed and gently look at Max and noticed that your hand was bleeding due to her biting it hard,but you just smiled,knowing she was in pain and it was worth it to heal her,you looked at Chloe and saw her with both a surprised and ticked off look,guess she wasn't expecting the 1 to 3 thing...oh well,you decided to deal with that later and gently picked Max up and carried her to your house with Chloe close behind)

(Y/n) hey Max, Chloe...sorry about the whole 1 to 3 thing,but I thought it would be best just to get it over with...after would've build more suspense in Max injury and would've made it hurt more than it did when I (you apologized looking down,until you felt someone hugging your neck and looked to see Max hugging you)

(Max):It's ok,just give us a warning next time you think it's ok to surprise us ok? (She smiled while you felt an arm around your shoulder and looked to your left and saw Chloe looking at you too)

(Chloe):Yeah Y/n,you gave us both a jumper,next time you do that again,better be ready for a tackle to the ground. (She said laughing as you and Max laughed along with her and all three of you headed back in the house.)

Yes,Those were the pure innocent days,where everything made sense and you could count that no matter what happened,you always had Max,Chloe and Ra-Whoops,kinda spoiled that,oh well,you would've expected that anyway.However...those days would not last...with Chloe's father's death of the car crash and Max already gone from the town,it just leaves you with chole and your new friend Rachel, however,With Chloe and Rachel hanging out more and more,getting into more trouble and laughing,they completely forgot all about you,like if you weren't even there in the first place.It broke you...losing your only friends...but...that didn't stop you from still observing from afar,keeping an eye out for them in case they ever need your help (Which they did...ALOT) however,when you followed Rachel wondering where would she be going,you suddenly had the worst headache in your life,pictures and images appeared in your mind and causing you to scream and black out...but not before taking one last glance and seeing Rachel with another person...this person...who you couldn't make out who it was...but you blacked out before you had the chance...

you woke up to the sound of banging and found yourself on the scrapyard,you remembered this being Chloe's favorite hangout and you looked and you saw her slamming her fists on a broken car trunk while wanted to reach out to her...but you knew... unfortunately...that interrupting her now in this time...would bring the end of this town...whatever that headache did to could somehow now be able to remember time,as if someone could rewind time,you could now remember where others could much as it pained you to see Chloe in such a broken knew this would make her strong...and you were Determined to make sure she lives her life the way she and Rachel planned...along with finding out what happened to Rachel on that had a just needed to seek it and find it...until then... you'll be a watcher over her and anyone else she involves herself with,a judger of her actions and a lost friend when she accepts it...until then...stay in the shadows...the real adventure

(Sorry about the cruddy Prolouge,it's my first time writing a fanfic so I'm trying it out,please be honest and ask if you want me to continue,if not then ok,Until next time,thank you for taking your time with my first attempt and I'll see you soon, probably 😊 )

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now