Part 7, What happened?

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You slowly open your eyes and got out of bed with a groan,you really wanted to sleep in but life ain't fair so you got up,out on your shorts and jacket and slippers or Shoes (your choice) and left your dorm,only to see Max and chloe breaking into Nathan's Room, ordinarily you wouldn't care,but you were nicknamed "The guardian of the Hall",Meaning you defended the boys dorm from Intruders,like Max and Chloe,you were their friend but you still had a job to do so you walked up to them while they were busy, was,Chloe stood watch and saw me.

(Chloe):(Y/n),what are you doing here? (She asked with a smile offered a fist bump which you happily gave her)

(Y/n):Oh you know,this and that, waking up,making my rounds around the boys dorm for no Intruders like you two (Smiles) sorry but I'mma have to ask you to stop whatever your doing and go back outside until given permission by the rightful owner of this dorm (You said with authority and with a smile,Leaving Chloe stunned and with a smirk of your own)

(Chloe):Oh really? And what happens if we don't listen? (She asked crossing her arms and giving off that "I won't be beat" vibe,you simply sighed and was about tell her something until you heard Max coming out of Nathan's room)

(Max):Chloe,I got what we came h-(She stops talking as she looks where Chloe's looking and sees you standing there with your classic lazy grin and your hands stuffed into your jacket pockets)

(She walked up to you and gently hugged you)

(Max):Hey (Y/n),Hope you slept okay (Max asked with a soft voice as you gently wrapped your arms around her and hugged her back)

(Y/n):Yeah well hey,everyone's gotta sleep (you said happily while you looked and saw Chloe looking at you two with a jealous look in her eyes,you simply chuckled and hugged Max tighter,You saw Chloe's expression turn Extremely Jealous)

(Y/n's thoughts):Huh,so either she's jealous of me hugging Max, Max hugging me,or That she wants a hug too...nah probably the 1st one

(You simply smiled and let Max go as Max does the same)

(Y/n):Ok then,if you two are done with your Sherlock homes gig,I gotta escort you two out before someone se-(You looked at the entrance of the boys dormitory and saw Nathan there) -es you two here (You sighed as Nathan went up to you three and demand some random stuff,you didn't listen but you heard that he threaten both of them,you didn't even bother to intervene due to Warren appearing and punching Nathan to the ground,you saw that he still had that black eye and busted up lip from the last fight,man he may be a marshmallow but he's one tough son of a gun, speaking of guns,you saw that Nathan pulled out his and was about to shoot at warren,this time you stepped in grabbed Nathan's hand and pulled the gun from him and dropped it far from his reach as you saw Warren continue to beat up Nathan,who was on the ground trying his best to shield the kicks Warren was giving him,You honesty would've let this take it's but now isn't the time so Max when up and begged Warren to stop and Pulled him away from Nathan,who was getting up and limping away)

(Nathan):Just you wait! I'll make sure you get what's coming to you! (He yells as you saw him grabbing his gun and leaving to his dorm,you merely shook your head,thinking how could you help Nathan...maybe one day...You sighed)

(Y/n):Come on guys,Let's go. (You said as you walked towards the exit with Chloe, Max, and Warren close behind you) (Once you all got outside,You thanked Warren for protecting Max and Chloe)

(Y/n):Thank you Warren (you bowed to him) you really showed Nathan what for huh? (You said with a smile but Warren was looking closely at you)

(Warren):Hey! Your the same person who-(You covered His mouth and chuckled)

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