Part 4, Knowing and trying

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You woke up with a groan,mumbling to yourself 5 more minutes and checked your phone to see if it was 5:30am,sighing,you got up despite not wanting too and looked around and wondered why you were sleeping on the floor,then it all came back to you...running from Max and Chloe...being cornered...your eye glowing and burning and then next thing you know,you appeared in your dorm as if nothing happened,curious to find out how you did that,you walked to a mirror in your room and looked at your thought of how you could get your eye and power to show...then it hit only showed when you get really decided to try it for yourself.

(Y/n):Welp, here's go everything...(you said to yourself and closed your eyes and focused on things that made you angry...Chloe's dad dying...seeing your two friends suffering... Remembering the past where Chloe got shot...Rachel Disappearing...and...and... Everyone... forgetting about you...such thoughts filled you with both anger and opened your eyes again and looked in the mirror to see your right eye was completely black,as if there wasn't an eyeball in your socket in the first place and in your left eye...there it was...Burning with the will to strike any who dared approach,your left eye was a Burning (Favorite eye color) interlaced with (second favorite eye color) Both colors look as if they were ready to move on their own free will,I let my body feel the new found power I felt and I saw little pulses of energy and (favorite color) Fire coming out of my eye,as if it was trying to stay connected to my eye and keep a steady flow of were stunned and amazed...this much had in your possession the entire wondered why you couldn't find out earlier...but that was for later,you felt your eye start changing color,you felt a built in power and you needed to release the energy you had,so you started thinking of places you needed to go,hoping that it could teleport you and make use of the energy you had,it worked as you felt the same feeling as last night and begin teleporting around your dorm and up on the school rooftop,you smiled and thought of the many ways you could use your new power)

(Y/n):Heh,memory enhancement and teleportation,what's next,I summon a skull that shoots light? (You said to yourself laughing and smiling, experiencing what you couldn't in a long time...happiness and joy...only to feel time being rewinded again and you were in your dorm again,you looked around)

(Y/n):Who in the heck has this power? Whoever does,I have to find out and keep an "eye-socket" out for them, heh (you chuckled at your own pun and used your new power to Teleport to where you felt the rewind take place and saw Max taking to that rich snobby girl Victoria,you didn't get it,you knew Victoria was nice and kind but she decides being popular is even better than kindness,you noticed that Victoria's clothes and herself were drenched wet and Max was cheering her up and saw Victoria step out of the way allowing Max to walk in the girls dorm,you knew that only girls were allowed in the dormitory (no surprise there plus I'm just going to call teleportation,"Shortcuts",we all know why 😊) so you waited in the halls,when she walked out,you saw her looking at her phone and then walked outside of the school while her expression looked like if she was having a decision between herself and saw her walking further and followed her and it led you to the diner that Chloe's mom owned,you knew she still remembered you and she would definitely call out your name so you put on your hoodie and walked in and sat at a table next to Max's table and waited to see what would happen,couple of seconds went by and you saw Chloe walk in and sit with Max and you overheard their conversation,and found out that Max had the power to time travel,no wonder you felt those ripples in the timeline near her,she was the one reversing time,that meant she used her power to save Chloe and the other ripples you felt. But why didn't she use her power when you were running? Maybe your teleportation had something to do with it,it did teleport using space instead of time,so that means you could teleport outside of time,meaning Max's time travel didn't affect you,you thought of how you could use that to your advantage when you saw them both getting up and leaving,you knew where they would go and stop up,walked to the restroom and took a shortcut and appeared behind a tree outside while they were walking and talking and you saw them laying on the ground on the train tracks,you checked the time,15 mins until the train comes here,you saw them just talking and heard them talking about Rachel...Rachel...all those years you searched and searched,hoping for a clue on what happened yet Everytime,you came back empty-handed,you would cry and apologize to Rachel even if she's not here for not being able to find out what happened to felt the tracks starting to shake...the train was coming,you looked and saw Max going to different places to try and change the track while Chloe's foot was stuck between the tracks,it was too late when the train was about to run Chloe over until you felt time rewind again and looked to see Max holding out her right hand and rewinding time,you took this chance to calmly walk next to Chloe and kneel down as Max stopped rewinding time and she and Chloe noticed me but didn't see my face due to my hoodie)

(Chloe):It's you! What are you doing here!? (You didn't answer her and you looked at her foot and at the train coming,you have a choice)

A.stand between Chloe and the train and stop the train using pure strength and energy from your eye

B.Get Chloe out of the tracks and push her out of the way and use the last minute to teleport out of the way of the train

(The choice is yours)

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now