Part 2(watching once more)

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You didn't think your Day would turn out like this,just going to class,looking after everyone like usual and then suddenly Max appears and then you hear a gun shot and then next thing you know,your back at the hallway after asking the teacher for permission to go to the restroom,Only you didn't have to go,but you had to find out what happened in that restroom.

(Y/n):(made his way into the bathroom and hid In the stalls) ok,let me think...what was that gun shot about...I watched over this school for years and never saw a gun on anyone...(his eyes widen in realization) Nathan...Of course,why not...he always did have that problem that his parents were to stupid to notice or just plainly didn't care,never the less,I have to stop him,no one shoots my two friends and gets away with you.
(As soon as you heard the door opening,you peaked out the crack of the stall and saw Max there,she looked scared and nervous,why did she though? Time has been rewritten,there's no way she could've felt that same feeling too...could it? You pushed that thought aside,it wasn't important now since Nathan came in along with Chloe, as you suspected,Nathan Drew the gun and threatened to shoot Chloe,feeling your blood boil you were about to make your presence known when out of the corner of your eye,you saw Max trying to hit the fire alarm, noticing this,you decided to help her out and threw a roll of toilet paper over the stall and on Nathan's head,hitting him while he felt it and turned to find out who threw that.) (You held back a chuckle and saw as Max hit the alarm and Chloe used that chance to knock Nathan back and ran from the restroom,With Max right behind her,when you were sure they both left,you stepped out of the stall and look at Nathan with your hoody on and with shadows on your eyes,making him unable to see your face)

(Nathan):What?! W-Who the hell are you?! (you simply grinned and grabbed Nathan by his collar with your right hand while your left held his gun and lifted him up and pinned him to the wall while the alarm was still blazing)

(Y/n):(Disorded voice) Me? ThE sAmE guY whO doEsN't taKE lIGhtly tO pUnks like YOU THReatIng to KIll mY BEST FRIEND...(his voice softly turns to normal) you hate having people control you,so you think it's a good idea to just be a jerk to others? (You said to him while throwing him to the ground and placing your foot on his back) they'll always be those that even YOU can't stop,along with your Father...who doesn't give you the Time of day...please...find help...I can help you...but only if you let me...please think about it and when you find your answer...I'll be there to help you...I promise...
(you said and knocked him out with the butt of the gun and carried him out of the school and laid him where the other kid's and teachers were and explained to them what had happened,they believed you and you simply shrugs and walked with your hands in your jacket pockets looking for Max and Chloe).       

(A/n):been a while since I played the game I'm sorry if I'm missing something important detail,I do know some events so I'll do my best)

(During this time,you found Max alone and watch her from afar and saw a boy named warren walking up to her and started talking to her,you let them do their thing,warren was a nice guy,always one you could count on,you smiled at the scene you were watching, Remembering the time we're the Christian girl Kate was being interrogated by the new janitor,you knew his name but dared not speak it due to him being Chloe's new step father,you decided to step in that time and stop his questions of her and told him about a mess in the male dorms,he grumbled but left,you turned to the still scared girl and gently places your hand on her head and gave her a reassuring smile,she stopped shaking and looked at you only to find her rescuer wearing a hoodie and shadows on his eyes.

(Kate): T-thank you...but w-who are you...? (She asked with a hint of fear in her voice,you meerly chuckle softly and gently start rubbing her head the way an older sibling would do to their younger sibling when they need assurens,you leaned in to her ear and whispered something to her,her eyes widen and she started looking at you closely to try to get a glimpse of your real face,but you simply grinned and walked away without saying anything else,unknowing to the both of you that Max saw and took a picture of the whole thing.
She was confused,she asked herself who was that,who helped Kate,she pondered on but decided to think about it later and walked to the parking lot,it was there where faith had to be a jerk and send in Nathan who looked ticked and was marching straight at Max,you watched with anger in your body and ready to stop him if necessary,only to find warren standing up to him but also saw that Nathan had just punched Warren and gave him a black eye,he then look at Max and you were just about to appear when warren came back with a punch of his own,you admired his dedication to protect Max,you then hear the roar of a truck engine and turned your head only to see Chloe herself stopping the truck and telling Max to hurry up and get in,Max however was hesitant because she didn't want to Leave warren alone to fight,but warren was telling her to go,saying that he's got this and that convinced Max to get in the truck and for Chloe to push the petal and driving away while warren was still fighting Nathan,you stayed behind because Max and Chloe needed to catch up on somethings plus by the looks of it,warren could use a hand.) (Warren was on the ground groaning and looking up to see Nathan about to beat him up senseless until you appeared in between Nathan and warren and caught Nathan's punch with your hand without any effort,you sighed...he had so much potential to do great things...but all that talent was being wasted, so you had no choice,you tighten your grip on his hand and pulled him towards you and delivered a 1in. Punch to his stomach, effectively knocking him unconscious,you picked up warren while dragging Nathan to the nurse office)

(Warren):Hey man,thanks for saving me back there,I would've been dead if you haven't come along (He smiled as you just looked at him and gave him a quick grin) but if you don't mind me asking...who are you? (You stayed silent for that one and kept being silent until you reach the nurse's office and left them both there. Just when you were about to leave,warren called out to you)

(Warren):Wait! (You turned and looked at him) you never answered my question,who are you? (You simply smirked at him and place your finger between your lips)

(Y/n):Shhhh...spoilers (You smiled and left leaving warren with a confused expression on his face)

(Part 2,done and done 😊,sorry again for the typing misspelling,hope you enjoying the story though,until next time,bye😊)

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now