Part 1, Unknown

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(Your Dream) It was like any other day...well not exactly since you were standing in the forest while a powerful storm was roaring at the town,focused on destroying it,you were doing your best to cover your eyes and face while trying to get to the lighthouse, you looked around and tried to find Max and Chloe,only to see trees bending,wind howling and the ground shaking due to the storm that was happening right now,but you were so focused on trying to find your friends to notice that a tree was falling down due to the force of the winds,you looked up only to see the tree about to fall down on you,you didn't even bother to move out of the way for you knew this has to be,you closed your eyes,accepting death if it came,just when the tree was ready to smash your head,you if time was being rewinded, you open your eyes and saw the tree was no longer but just about too,wasting no time,you side step to the left and watch as the tree fell and hit nothing but the ground beneath it where you once stood,sighing in relief,you turned your head only to be hugged tightly by Max,You returned the hug and looked at her to see if she was hurt while she was doing the same to you.

(Y/n):Max! Thank goodness your Okay! Your not hurt are you? Are you okay?

(Max):it's ok (Y/n),Im ok,I'm just happy that I found you! (she then starts looking around) Where's Chloe?! She isn't with you?! (You looked around quickly, Desperate to try and find Chloe)

(Y/n):I haven't! But if I know Chloe,she's probably making her way to the light house! Let's meet her there! (You talked loudly in order for her to here) (Max hesitantly nodded,praying that Chloe would be at the lighthouse when they arrived,She then felt you grabbing her hand and leading her through the raining and winds blowing and the crack of lighting the storm was giving)

(As you two were trying to get to the lighthouse,you looked up and saw a landslide about to trample you two,you reacted quickly and pushed Max out of the way,causing the landslide to trample you while Max watched in horror,She acted quickly and raised her right hand and rewinded time to the point where the landslide was just about the right distance away from you two,she was about to warn you about the landslide,only for her to already be a safe distance away from the landslide with her next to her with one hand in your pocket and the other still holding her hand,She wondered how you could get her and you out of the way already just in time without her warning you)

(Y/n):You ok Max?! (You looked at her with worry in your eyes)

(Max):i-im ok! Thanks for saving me (Y/n)! But how did you-(she was cut off by another tree about to fall on you two,you both screamed and braced for the tree's impact when you woke up from your dream and breathing heavily while clutching your chest,you looked around quickly and saw that you were still at your math class,you must've dosed off when your teacher was talking about random math equations,You were Rubbing your eyes trying to get rid of the excess sleep out of your system,failing to notice that the teacher was looking at you)

(T/n): are you feeling well mr.(Y/n)? You seem to be not paying attention.(You simply nodded while looking at him)

(Y/n):I'm fine,just a slight headache is all (you managed your classic smile and hoped that he would buy it,luck Was on your side and the bell rang,causing other students to start packing their things and walking out the door,you were just exiting the classroom until you looked off the corner of your eye and saw someone you never thought you would see again...Max.
She's changed the last time you saw her, she looks to be 17 or 18 with her short brown hair,wearing normal everyday clothes,You saw her entering the girls restroom. You were so suprised that Max was here that you failed to notice that Nathan Prescott running past you and going in the girls restroom,but you snapped out of it when Chloe walked passed you,back when you were looking after Chloe and Rachel,you decided you needed to hide who you were so you wore a (favorite color) Jacket with a white shirt and basketball shorts to give you lighter movement and slippers as well to muffled the sounds of the steps you took)

(A/n):I know I know,this is basically sans from undertale but think about it,sans has an incredible memory plus I'm planning in adding some features to our character in the future 😉😊

(back to the story and yes,that's what you wore at school as well,you didn't get dress coded but that didn't stop other students from laughing at you and trying to bully you,only to be knocked down by you before they even had the chance,now they leave you alone in fear,you were the definition of "don't judge a book by its cover" meaning you look and act lazy and like you dont try at all when in reality, Your one of the smartest in Acadia bay and the strongest in the school,but only you knew that about yourself,you wanted to keep a low profile so you made sure to hide yourself by being lazy in class,making 70's and 80's to make sure no one would know your a genius and would want you to help them,you wanted to help,heck you like to help others,but after being abandoned by the only people you trust...trusted, you've had trust issues since then and made sure no one got close to you,but that didn't stop you from not only watching over Chloe but everyone else who was having trouble in the school,from nerds being picked on and shadowy figures selling drugs to the kids there.
Thanks to you,Acadia bay was healing it's own from bullying and drugs,though no one knew who stopped them and you were determined to keep it that way) (When you zapped back into reality,you saw Chloe going in the girls restroom too while having this stone face on her, sensing this would be trouble,you made sure no one was around the halls and listening to the sounds from the other side,you heard yelling and something about Nathan with drugs and heard something metal,then a gunshot.)

(Your eyes widen and you didn't notice that your left eye was glowing (favorite color) interlaced with (second favorite color) and as you were about to kick the door down,you heard Max screaming No and the one in your dreams,Found yourself back in your classroom just minutes before the gunshot, suprised you raises your hand and asked if it was ok for you to use the restroom,your teacher warned you that you were about to leave in 2 minutes,you assured him that you would be quick,he said yes and let you bring your stuff with you just in case you wouldn't come back.)

(ok,part 1,done,one person wanted me to keep going so I did,hope you enjoyed and sorry for the cruddy writing,I'm also kinda new with this while typing thing so hope you liked it,see ya soon😊)

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now