Part 5 Do you Remember?

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(Well two people voted for B so I'm gonna do it,thank you for voting😋)

You decided to go with plan B,cause plan A usually never works,you moved Chloe's foot a little and got her foot out from the tracks and pushed her out of the way,you then saw the train about to hit you,then at the last second,you teleported out of the way of the train and on the other side,you smiled,happy that Chloe was okay,you waited for Max to do a rewind but she didn't,you teleported behind a tree behind them and saw them hugging and Chloe thanking Max for saving sadly smiled...yeah you were sad that they didn't say thanks to you but hey...they were always so close...sometimes you thought they would be dating at times,boy were they blushing that day...when the train passed and they stopped hugging,Chloe then Remembered you and started to look around to see if she could find you,you weren't there and she told Max to rewind)

(Chloe): Max! You have to rewind! We have to save him!

(Max):I-I know,I want too but then you'll be back to being stuck on this tracks. (she said with small tears in her eyes,you simply sighed, Max was always the soft hearted,didn't cry much but always had big feelings,she couldn't stand to see Chloe die...the thought would break her,you decided to make your presence known and appears to the side of them standing on the train tracks)

(Y/n):Ahem (You fake coughed and they looked and their eyes widen by surprise and they're mouths open from shock) you might wanna close those mouths,don't want a bug flying in there and "bugging" you (You grinned at your own pun until you heard Chloe speak)

(Chloe): W-what? H-how did you...? (You simply grinned at her and shrug)

(Max):You... T-thank you! (she yelled out as she ran towards you and hugged you tightly) Thank you so much for saving Chloe...(You were taking's been so long since someone you knew and loved hugged felt gently hugged her back and nodded your head as a your welcome gesture)

(Max then let go of you and then Chloe walked in front of you)

(Chloe):Yeah...thanks for helping me out back there man,I really owe you (You simply shook your head and smiled at her) still,can you at least take your hoodie off so that we know who you are? (Your eyes widen and you took a step back,this was sudden,you rarely ever took off your hoodie and hardly anyone has seen your real face,you were sure Chloe and Max forgot your face and they wouldn't recognize you,that worried you)

(Max):Chloe! Leave him alone,he Saved you,you can't just ask someone to take his hood off like that,you already got him nervous (she said as you felt a little calmer)

(Chloe):But Max,this guy still needs to Answer why he was listening and watching us at my window and how did he get away from us that night and how he survived the train, there's no way he could've jumped out of the way like that in time...not to mention...(She looked back at you with her arms crossed) He still has to Answer my questions from last night,now listen whoever you are,I owe you for saving me and all that,but I won't be left in the dark,Now show me who you are or I'll just find out myself (she said in a demanding and threating voice,while you were surprised at her dedication for wanting to know,you were also unfazed by her threat and demand,she already forgot about you, you already lived through hell and back...fought to survive...been on your own...making sure the kids at the school don't making stupid mistakes...her threat was like a person showing off and gloating,they talk big but in the end, they're all bark and no bite)
(You simply looked down and felt energy in your eye again but you suppressed it,it fought back,wanting to hurt the person who dared threaten it's owner but you let it calm down and it did,this wasn't worth your power...not yet at least, for now, you'll listen to her and see if they Remember you after all this time)

(Y/n):Very well... there's no point in trying to hide it anyways...but before I do...answer me were friends with Rachel right? After Max left? (Both teens were shocked)

(Chloe):How do you know about this?

(y/n):Answer the question (you said with a dark aura in your voice that left them with shivers down their spine)

(Chloe) what? (you simply grinned as you took off your hoodie)

(Y/n):Then tell me this...was there any other friend that was always by your side when Rachel and Max were gone? Before you met Rachel,was there a 3rd friend you had...(You looked at her with your hoodie down and she and Max looked at you with eyes widen) do you...know that you... Remember me...?

(Done and done,sorry for the wait,I had many ideas for the other chapters so hope you enjoyed 😁😊)

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now