4th story...(Y/n) The judge who succeeded...

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"Hey kid...So...how've you been...?"

A rough sounded voice was heard from a cemetery...the voice belonging to the father of the person who's name is engraved...

(Y/N) (L/N)

A good friend, An even better son

May he rest in peace

"Heh... Yeah yeah, I know what you'd say, "This is your 3rd time today Dad, I'm not going anywhere you know..." ....I didn't raise no liar Kid...you know...it felt good...having a son...you weren't my true kid...but you made me smile so many times...made me angry when I found out you were getting picked on...you stopped me from marching in and beating the crap out of them... "

The man just smiled...his eyes threatening to fall as he clenched his fist, a soft bark was heard beside him as the dog looked at the grave... Softly whimpering...

"God damnit (Y/n)...You said you weren't planning on going anywhere anytime soon...so why...? Why did you have to play the fucking hero? Couldn't you have let one of those sluts take the fall...? No...of course you couldn't... Damnit... Damnit all...."

The man heard footsteps behind him as his dog turned and immediately started Growling...the man didn't even need to turn around to know who it was...the reason why his son was in the ground instead of outside under the sun...


The man now known as Frank looked at them from the corner of his eye, his hatred growing and he was considering sicking Pompidou on them, but he Remembered his last promise to (Y/n)...

" Dad...Promise me that no matter what happens...You'll watch over Max, Chloe and Rachel...I know you could care less about them...but for me...Please don't be mad at them"

....needless to say, Frank had no choice but to hold in his malice towards the females.

"What? Can't a guy visit his Kid in peace?" Frank said with hidden anger and clear annoyance in his voice. The girls merely stood there...being growled at by Pompidou.

Frank let out a sigh, " (Y/n) would be upset if I ignored you three...so lets just be blunt...Why are you here...?"

Max softly took a step forward as Frank eyes widen softly...they were wearing what belonged to (Y/n)... Max, with his (S/f/c) scarf wrapped comfortably around her neck...Rachel, with his Pendant shining around her neck...Chloe, with his (F/c) Jacket over her shirt, not zipped...just like he did...Frank's teeth clenched as Max began to speak...

"W-we just wanted t-"

"Take them off..."

The girls looked at Frank confused, on his interruption on Max and his not so hidden anger

"T-take them off...?"

"You heard me bitch...His Jacket...His pendant...His Scarf...Take them off..."

The girls clutched the items tightly, they couldn't...it was given to them...a final present from him to them...

"W-we can't...He gave them to us..."

"Bullshit! He would never be separated from them...and he would never just give them to you three...especially after what you did to him!

Immediately, Pompidou crouched slightly, his teeth bearing as he growled at the 3 girls, who clutched unto their dead friend's possessions

"Listen here Frank, I get (Y/n) was your kid, but-"


The girls, though shocked at his outburst, quickly grew angry at his claim

"I'm sorry, we didn't know?! We were there with him while you kept in your trailer!!" Rachel shouted back at him as Max joined in

"A-and even then! We were there a-and helped him! He was smiling!"

"Shut the fuck up you dead bitch, you too wannabe superfuck!! You don't even know what you put him through!! The headaches he got! His broken smile! He fucking bled from his eye!! You're lucky I'm even talking to you rather than letting Pompidou rip you three to shreds!! Now shut up and give back what belongs to him! Especially You bitch!!"

Frank shouted, pointing at...

Chloe quickly held onto his Jacket for dear life, her only connection to him was in danger

"No...I won't...he gave this to me...I can't let you take it...I won't be separated from him again!"

Frank was furious as he was about to shout...until...

"Dad, About Chloe, Max and Rachel...If by the off chance they have something of mine...please let them keep it..."

"Kid, what's up with the whole downer mood? You sound like-"

"Please Dad...Please promise me..."

"You hate making promises...this must be serious.........Fine...but I swear to god Kid, you do something stupid, you're grounded until Pompidou learns to talk, got it?"

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he flashed his father a big smile...a broken one...

With a heavy sigh, he put his hand on Pompidou's head, ceasing the dogs anger, the girls looked at him confused

"Out of all the other girls here...Why did he choose you three...? The three that forgot him...? Forgot my own kid...If he were alive now...heh...I wouldn't give you my approval...He deserves better..."

With that, he turned back to the grave, softly placing a soft kiss on it

"Rest easy kiddo...You're finally free...Thank you for letting me be your old man..."

He then softly stood up and walked back to town, his dog following him as it whimpered at the absence of (Y/n)

The girls looked at each other and back at the grave...softly walking up to it, getting on their knees, clutching the items he gave to them...as fresh tears start falling...all at once...they softly spoke out the 2 words they wish they should've said when they met once again...

"....I'm sorry...."

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