Barrier...The story has just begun

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Awaken... Sitting on a bed with a game controller in your hands,you blinked multiple times as you got yourself out of your dream state,looking around,you recognized your environment

(Y/n):oh right...I forgot...It was all just my own personal laa laa land...heh...I really am crazy aren't I...?

(With a soft sigh,you looked up at the screen,you paused the game as Max and Chloe were hugging each other...heh...hey,no biggie,it wasn't real anyway,the barrier made sure of that... nothing's changed... nothing will ever change,softly smiling,you were about to get up when a sharp pain went through your body)

(Y/n):Argh!! W-what the heck?! (Confused,you pulled up your shirt to see a scar...a...bullet scar...the bullet that Nathan...shot at way) can't can't be's all in my mind...yeah that's it,it's not matter how much I want it to be...(Shaking your head at the thought,you struggled to get up when your head suddenly Felt intense pain,even worse than what you felt before) AAAAAHHHH!!! GOD IT HURTS!!!! (everything was spinning, everything was pounding into your skull,Your head felt like it being ripped in half as you fell on your knees, holding your head harder while tears of pain poured out of your eyes) S-STOP!!! I-I-ITS NOT REAL!! T-THEY'RE JUST VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS!!! T-THEY CAN'T...I CAN'T......(Suddenly,your headache instantly vanished, leaving you panting heavily with dried tears on your eyes,you struggled to get up on your feet when a flashback suddenly appeared in your mind)


???:Why do I always see you following me? You like Me or something? (A female voice that you instantly recognized as Chloe said with her usual soft smirk as she was smoking a cigarette,she appeared to be speaking to a boy wearing your normal attire as the boy softly chuckled)

???:Heh,Like I would even have a chance rock star, besides,we both know you like Max and Rachel Way more. (That...was your voice,that boy...was you...but how, that wasn't in the game play,that wasn't in the story!)

(Chloe):Then why? (She asked with a hand in her jacket pocket as this "you" softly sigh and looked up at her)

(Y/n): You'll find out...(You turned around and started to walk away,until you stopped and looked back at her) Just know this Chloe...I wouldn't be caught dead Not Saving from your own end...See ya later Rock Star. (With that,you walked off, leaving Chloe slightly confused)


(Panting heavily,you grip your head, closing your eyes Tightly,This can't be...those weren't in the game...yet...they felt so real...a ding was heard at your laptop,you looked...huh...
...hehehe...You really can't catch can you...?

Life Is Strange know what...Maybe one more can't hurt...)

Male memory reader x max x chloe x Rachel Where stories live. Discover now