Part 8, Answers

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You were awoken by your head hitting the ground,groaning you got up and checked your surroundings,nothing out of the blue until you saw a trailer,a portable one,then it dawned on you,this was Frank's Trailer,you knew him due to him being your secret caretaker,He was like a father figure,Yeah he was all tough and selling drugs,but when you were in need,he stepped up and gave you a hand,he was the father to the one that you never had,not to mention he was the only one who would've Remembered you,you were there when Chloe and Rachel needed money to get out of this town,he was skeptical at first but I knew he had a soft spot for Rachel,he gave them the money and they left saying they would pay him back in the future,you wanted that day to reach out but you held yourself back,knowing that it would change nothing,you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Him Smiling at you,you were 14 at the time,you smiled back,he alone saved you from solitude,in return you vowed that you would repay him for everything he's done one day,the only were and still are a man of your word)

(You snapped back into reality when Max and Chloe called to you)

(Chloe):Hey Y/n,get your head out of the clouds, we're gonna need info about Rachel,and I know where our first suspect is (She looked at the trailer,you were nervous,they were about to interagate your caretaker,you decided to see how this would play out,as they walked up to the trailer you stayed behind and saw from the side that Chloe knocked on the door,there Frank came out,telling his dog to stay in the trailer,you always had a soft spot for animals, especially Pompidou,you remembered how he was just a small innocent pup,but now he's a killing medium sized torpedo of pain,you wondered if Pompidou still remembered you,but now wasn't the time for that,you focused and saw that Chloe and Max said what made Frank mad and saw that he pulled out a knife,it's then that out the corner of your eye,you saw Chloe holding the gun out,pointing it at him, warning him to stay back,You had enough of this and you moved in between the gun and Frank)

(Y/n):Chloe,that's enough (You take off your hood) there's a time and place for a bullet to be,right now,it doesn't need to be in a another's body,Ok Chloe? (You gently smiled at her,she was confused on why you were defending Frank when he was threaten Max,she was about to ask you when she was interrupted)

(Frank):Y/n? Is that really you? (You turned around and let him see your face and smiled at the man who raised you)

(Y/n):Hey Dad (Both Max and Chloe were Awestruck and their jaws Dropped to the floor)

(Max/Chloe):DAD?!?! (They shouted in suprise as you simply turned back to them and nodded and turned back to Frank)

(Frank):Finally decided to visit me huh you little s-(he would've said in a playful manner but you covered his mouth)

(Y/n):Frank,what did we agree on cursing? (He just gave you a "Really?" Look and you pulled your hand back and hugged him) It's still nice to see you Dad. (You said with a smile on your face,the one time you could really feel happy...was with Frank,why wouldn't you? He did take you in when no one else did) (Frank just chuckled and returned the hug)

(Frank):Good to see you too Boy (You let go and gave him a lazy grin,he wasn't one for showing emotions since Rachel's Disappears) anyways,why are you here with the wonder twins here? They didn't force you to come did they? (He said with hate in his voice,you simply shook your head)

(Y/n):No Dad, they're my friends and they just came to ask a few questions and I kinda went along with them (you grinned as Frank sighed)

(Frank):Boy you really gotta learn not to be so lazy (You chuckled) and I suppose I could but I ain't got much,not to mention the Blue haired blueberry hasn't paid up my money yet and-(you cut him off one last time)

(Y/n):Um Dad,how much does she owe you?  (Frank looked at you) (Frank):3,000 dollars for repairs for her truck.(your eyes widen and you looked at Chloe)

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