It's a date

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Erikas perspective

It was 5pm and I was still debating if I should go or not. I was trying so hard to convince myself, that I did not want him in my life any more and that it was for the better. It was for the better, for sure, but I wasn't so sure about the, not-wanting-him-in-my-life-anymore part.

"Erika, honestly," Ethan started and bumped down on my bed in my dorm room.

"Why is it that you always add honestly in your sentences?" I asked wondering.

"I don't know, I just do," he answered, clearly as confused as I was.

"Anyways, let's just go out and eat burgers, get some drinks and then go to his concert. You don't have to talk to him, but we could have a boom as time together the two of us," he said and acted a little too girly.


"Erika," he responded

"Are you gay?"

"Oh... yeah," he responded nervously.

"Shit, how did you know?"

"How come you not have told me?!"

"How did you know?" He asked again, a little louder this time.

"The way you said, the two of us," I laughed. His face was turning red and he did not know what to respond. I did not take Ethan as the gay type, but let's be honest, there's no such thing as a gay type.

"Alright, we can go out, BUT only if it's to look at guys for you!" I stated. He rolled his eyes at me, but agreed to my terms.

"It's a date."


Ready for the show?🤘🏻



"Shawn just texted me," the sound of Shawn's name made Ethan way more interested in what I had to say and I couldn't hold my laughter back.
He immediately grabbed my phone from my hand and snap a photo of me, being all embarrassed.

"You can thank me later," he smiled and locked my phone and sipped some of his drink.

"What did you answer him?" I tried to be serious, but it was hard, Ethan was being too cute.

"That you couldn't wait to see him," he smiled and was obviously a little too proud of his own actions.

"You did not just?"

"Yeah I did," he was being really sassy.

God damn it.

"Shit, you being sassy - Ethan it suits you, fuck,"

"I know," was his answer and had me laugh once again!

"Come on! There's no cute guys here and the show will start in an hour!" He stated and dragged me with him out of the bar.


People was staring, probably because Ethan was pretty tipsy.

We made our way over to the vip spot, just behind where Tom was sitting, controlling everything.

"I can not believe it, it's you isn't it?" Tom said and made me turn around. A huge smile grew on his face and made me come down, so he could give me a proper hug.

"It's so good to see you again, Erika," he said and Geoff came into Tom's private area.

"Erika right? The girl whom broke, Shawn's heart?" He joked and I turned a little red and had to look down.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I'm joking, come here," he said and hugged me.

"You better get back to your seat tho, the show is about to start," he told me and I nodded.

"Right yeah," I started to walk away.

"It was go to see you again, Erika," they both yelled.

"You too," I yelled back and noticed, the girl who was with Shawn at the airport, was staring a me.

{Please don't forget to, share, leave a comment, and vote for the chapter - I'd mean the world to me}

A/N: wow, who would've thought I would come back and update y'all after 6 months??

Let's get this ff going again, shall we?

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