He's the cooler one

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Erika's perspective

"Can we go get some coffee?" Ethan begged.

"I can just make us some?" I narrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yeah, you kinda suck a making coffee," he confirmed and broke my heart a bit.

"Ouch," I pouted, but gave in after all, "alright let's go, but you're buying!" I finished off and made him laugh.

"Yaaaas," he practically screamed and stood up from Shawn couch, and left the living room to put on his shoes - I mirrored all his actions. Shawn was in his row, playing some random chords on his guitar.
I loved to just watch him. But I figured I'd have to hurry, and not stand there staring at him for too long, so we could actually get the coffee Ethan wanted so badly.

"Ethan and I are going to get some coffee, just wanted to let you know, that we left for a bit," I said while walking towards his tall beautiful figure, sitting cross legged, on his king sized bed.

"What's wrong with the coffee we have?" He asked confused, just like I had been confused a moment ago.

"According to Ethan, I'm a bad coffee maker," I explained and rolled my eyes offended. Shawn laughed at this, he knew I was only joking, and wasn't really offended.

"I could make it?" He offered and put his guitar down, only to swing his legs over the edge of his king sized bed, but I stopped him by standing between both of his legs and resting my hands on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I don't even think he would want to take the chance with you, not saying you're bad at it, just saying he's a little diva when it comes to certain things," I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"I see," was all he said before Shawn pulled me down onto his lap and just as he was about to kiss me, Ethan show up in the doorframe.

"Y'all can make out later tonight, I want coffee - we're leaving now!" Ethan said and flipped around as if he had a long wig on, which made me laugh a bit. God, I loved him sassy.

"See ya later," I said and picked, Shawn's lips.


When we finally got out of the house and down to the city central, after what kind of felt like forever, since I had talked with Shawn a little too long, before Ethan made me hurry up, and then just a few seconds later Shawn came out from his bedroom and offered to drive us, which meant I spend forever on convincing him he did not have to.

"You actually never told me, what you began to stud after your graduated high school?" I asked and took a sip of my tea, I was never really the biggest coffee drinker. It smelled the best, but tasted the worst!

"Fashion marketing," Ethan smiled and kept on walking like a model. I had always admired him to the fullest, but ever since I found out he was gay, I had been in awe of him.

"No way, that's why you'd always been the best dressed of the two of us."

"Exactly." Ethan answered and turned his shoulder, so it was beneath his chin. He made me laugh and feel so good. What did I deserve to have such a great friend? I could talk with him about everything. I knew I had Shawn to talk to, but when it was with Ethan it was something else. I did not what it was, but it was something else with him.

"Speaking of, being the best dressed, can you snap some photos for my Instagram?" I nodded and turned into Ethan's private photographer.

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Ethan "He's the cooler one," she said.
Erika I never said that🙄
Breathingformendes where's Shawn?
Shawnmendes I see why you wanted coffee, from a coffee shop. Nice outfit dude!
Xisshawnmendes Hi @/shawnmendes Love you😍


"You should start posting more on Instagram, E!" Ethan said and I looked us into Shawn's condo.

"I don't know what to post," I laughed and kicked of my shoes and hung my coat on the hanger.

"Pictures of yourself, friends, what you do and Shawn," Ethan smirked at the last bit.

"So everyone can hate on me?"

"You can disable the comments." I stayed quiet by this and just made my way into the kitchen, and threw my cup in the trash can, so did Ethan. Shawn heard us and turned around in his couch.

"So, how was the coffee?"

"Better than, Erika's," Ethan laughed and made Shawn giggle as well.

"Any ways, it was so good to catch up with you again and a better coffee this time." Ethan breathed and hugged me. Seemed kind of funny to me, that we just got in and now he had to leave again.

"We'll give you a ride back to your campus," Shawn said and stood up from where he was sitting.

"You don't have to man."

"Don't sweat it, we're driving you."

The ride wasn't long, and soon we had dropped Ethan off, and went back on the road again. We had been listing to Shawn's playlist the entire ride and agreed that I could pick the music on the way back. Not going to lie, I loved us!! Never problematic, we acted mature around each other and respect the other person.
I picked Carolina from Harry Styles' self titled album, God it was such a tune and I could not sit still in my seat. Shawn smiled and started to drum on the staring-wheel along to the song.
All we got to hear was half the album and then we arrived back home.

"Is it strange I already feel kind of at home? Even though I haven't stayed with you for more than 5 days?" It was strange to me, but felt good at the same time as well.

"Home is where the heart is, love!"

{Please don't forget to, share, leave a comment, and vote for the chapter - I'd mean the world to me}

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