At Mendes'

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Erika's perspective

I woke up with a slight headache, and looked around. I knew I wasn't in my dorm room, but where else I was - was I completely clou less about.

"Morning," a soft voice said and made me turn around. Shawn was standing in the doorframe, only wearing a par of lose shorts and a simple hoodie.

He looked cute.

"Why am I in your bed?" I asked and he sat down, next to where I was lying.

"Cause I helped you up here?" He questioned more than he answered me.

"Jesus, that I could figure out myself. I meant, why am I still here?" He smiled a soft smile while looking down, before he looked back up at me.

"You had a lot to drink, and you past out pretty fast, so I thought it would be better if you spend the night here, so I could keep an eye on you," he explained and started to play with his ring.

"Ethan could've looked after me?"

"Yeah I doubt that," he laughed.

"What's your problem, Mendes?" I snapped. He laughed once again, but then explained himself.

"Ethan was just as drunk as you was, plus I think he left with some dude - I couldn't find him, after I had put you to bed," I nodded, but then a quite scary thought came to my mind.

"Did you undress me?" I asked with a bit of panic in my voice.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, chill Erika," he smiled once again. It was funny how he acted so different now, from what he acted like yesterday. Suddenly he was bringing up memories and was all comfortable around me, and told me to be more chill about it, as if it was nothing.

"Well, I better get going," I said and swung my legs out of the bed.

"Stay," was all he said and stood up quickly.


He didn't really know what to answer right away, and had to think for at short while.

"We haven't seen each other for a very long time, I wanna catch up!" Shawn said and leaned up against his dresser.

"Plus, I already made breakfast for us," he laughed and walked out of his room. I was forced to follow him to the kitchen, so I could continue to ask him too many questions.

"What about your girlfriend?"

"What about her?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Mendes! She knows we have history - do you think she is down with this?"

"She is busy too. She knows that I love her, no worries - nothing will happen," he assured me.

She knows that I love her.

Those words hurt, way more than they should. I had to get over it, and not think so much about him. Shawn had clearly moved on, so had I until I saw him at the airport.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I asked and swung my legs back and forth, from the kitchen counter.

"Well as of right now, we'll eat  breakfast and after that we have some spare time, before we have to head of to the studio," Shawn answered, and gave me some eggs and beans.

"Um, are you sure that I can come with you in the studio?" He smiled and closed the fridge.

"I'm sure," he sat on the chair right beside we're I was sitting on the table. I was honestly surprised, that me sitting on his counter didn't annoy him, but Shawn just went with it.

"So," he started.

"So," I cut him of and made him smile that kind of smile, you smile instead of laughing.

"What are you doing back in Toronto?"

"I'm studying."

"Studying what?"

"Music," he looked up from his food quite surprised.

"That's right, I completely forgot what a great singer you are - not to mention your piano skills," I blushed, but tried so hard to hide it.

"I guess so," I slurred out.

"I guess so? You know you sound good right?" He continued.

"Can we just not keep bringing up the past?"


"Because it's really uncomfortable, especially when you have a girlfriend," I answered and had stopped eating.

"I don't have a problem talking about it."

"Of course you don't, you've gotten a replacement and gotten over it," I kind of snapped. He was completely taken back and did not know what to answer me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that rough for you, to talk about the time we spend together," he said and did not realize that he continued.

"Shawn, stop!"


"Erika," Shawn whispered and shook me lightly.

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah you did," he smiled and sat down on the coach, just the same way he had sat down on his bed earlier today - he was such a dad.

"We gotta get going," I rolled my eyes at his hand he held out for me to take.

"I do know how to stand up from a coach myself, thanks," I said while standing from the coach. Shawn smiled widely and had me over his shoulder in a matter of seconds, and lightly smacked my ass.

Why was he like this?


"Let's go make some killer music," he laughed and kept me on his shoulder.

"Do you expect me to go in this? I can't show up in a top like this!"

"You showed up in it yesterday," he smirked and continued to the exit.

"That was different! We have to swing by my college - I have to change! And now put me down!"

"We don't have the time for that."

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, put me tf down - we're going to my dorm!" He rolled his eyes and turned to his room, dropped me on his king sized bed and begun to look through his dresser.

"I'm not wearing your clothes!" I complained. Us hanging out was bad enough, I couldn't start to wear his clothes as well.

"It's my hoodie or your sweat lingerie body sticking," he teased and held out a basic black I Heart Radio hoodie.

{Please don't forget to, share, leave a comment, and vote for the chapter - I'd mean the world to me}

A/N: I told yall that I had more coming, I'm on fire now! xx

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