Your Character

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Read the first part of 'The Demon Kings' book. Pretty much the same except for new abilities and the power difference because it was pretty much over nine thou- you get it. Right? Cool. So the forms are pretty much the same but some of the abilities in the later forms will be less powerful. Also different demons.


Demonic guns (Pretty much every single gun in the world but demonically enhanced to do more damage to enemies. Can be duel wielded, all guns can be summoned at any time)

Demonic bombs (Pretty much every single bomb and grenade in the world (excluding nukes, atoms etc.) but demonically enhanced to do more damage to enemies. All bombs and grenades can be summoned at any time)

Shapeshift (Can change into any animal but the animal must have five tails (If it has any however they can be retracted). Your eye colors and wings (But these can be retracted into wherever the beast has its wings). You can still use all your abilities whilst shapeshifted into a beast)

Can sense nearby people (You can only do this when you are calm for eg. when in a battle this ability won't work)

Can breathe underwater

Can breathe in poisonous gases

Can survive in extreme temperatures

Can teleport

Can turn invisible (Until you are attacked. Stronger living beings can also see you even if you are invisible)

Can disguise as other people

Can disguise other things as other people

Can imitate other people's voices

Can possess people (However strong opponents can resist this)

Can create clones of yourself

Can give power to other people (such as strength, speed etc.)

Can make it anytime of day (but doesn't change time)

Can talk to animals

Can see souls and spirits of dead people

Can summon demons

Can speak any language (You have to hear the language first to copy it)

Can control fire (When you are controlling fire it turns blue)

Death wish (You become insane and ruthless and you will show no mercy to even innocent people. When you become insane in your first form you will automatically transform into your second form)

Gehenna cry (You open your mouth and the souls of victims you have killed will scream for help and mercy. This move will make the people hearing this will feel all the pain you did to your victims)

Hell fuel (You can sense negative feelings such as anger or depression and you can absorb them to boost your power. However after every time you absorb a negative feeling you will become more and more insane and mentally unstable. When you become fully insane you will automatically transform into your second/demon form)

Thief (You can copy any ability you see)

An eye for an eye (A powerful ability that makes enemies receive the pain you feel however it is very risky to use)

Satan's shield (A magical barrier that can shield you from most attacks whilst throwing it back at the enemy 4 times more powerful)



They thrive during night time, more than other demons

They all hate demons that belong to Lucifer, the king of light

They can all make themselves look like humans, albeit with demon tails, horns and ears

They are all capable of human speech

They are all able to levitate if they don't have wings


Low - High class demon

Shadows are demons that possess, well, shadows that appear as black humanoids, which shamble towards their targets. They do not appear to be very powerful, being easily dealt with through the use of holy water, firearms and a variety of other ways. However stronger shadows can resist this and are able to corrupt people and influence them to do what they want. They are able to pass through almost anything and wield weapons. They have small eyes on their otherwise featureless face.


Low - High class demon

Watchers are demons that possess crows, vultures and bats. They are all black skinned. They are able to create clones of themselves but aren't extremely powerful. However, on rare occasions, an extremely powerful Watcher can emerge from their ranks. They seem to have a rivalry with goblins.


Low - Very high class demon

Rippers are demons that have possessed wolves that are very aggressive in nature. They can take tonnes of punishment and will look more humanoid if they are a high enough class. They try to maul anyone they deem as a threat. They are also extremely fast.


Mid class demon

Thugs are demons that have possessed masks, which have been placed onto skeleton heads. They can wield any weapon. Both brutal and merciless, they love to shred through enemies as bloodily and as messily as possible. They have a high pain tolerance.


Mid - High class demons

Phantoms are demons that possess suits of armour and can enchant whatever weapon the get their hands on with various elements. They are extremely fast and when the armour they possess is worn, they can also possess the person wearing them. Their eyes are yellow.


Very high class demon

Copycats are demons that look exactly like humans with demonic features. They are able to copy any abilities their victims have making them extremely devastating should they face a strong opponent.


Mid - Very high class demon

Deathwings are demons that possess dragons. They are able to turn invisible and turn it from day to night time. Powerful, their abilities vary depending on what dragon they possess. They can range from sprite dragons to higher class dragons.

Key Words:
(Y/N) = Your Name
(S/C) = Skin Colour
(1E/C) = 1st Eye Colour
(2E/C) = 2nd Eye Colour
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(H/L) = Hair Length

The Darkness King (Blue Exorcist + Highschool DxD/DxD x DemonKingMaleReader) Where stories live. Discover now