(5) Rescue

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Your POV:

You watched as Ophis disappeared into the dark sky. Transforming into a crow, you soared over the town in search for a house.

You looked at a couple houses below you. 'I could just hypnotise a family to take me in.'

After a while you soon sensed a strong negative feeling 'Sadness.'

You sat perched upon a house with a man standing outside.

"Man I wish I could have children," He said aloud "But she's gone..."


You landed behind him and transformed into your humanoid form. You waved your hand around him, hypnotising him into thinking you and Astaroth were their sons.

His eyes closed before opening again "(Y/N) what do you need?"

You looked at him "Nothing father," You replied.

'I at least have a dad that now cares about me.'

"Get some rest, it's pretty late, in fact it's 1:00 in the morning," He said to you.

"I can't sleep dad, I'm going to head out now," You replied.

"Very well, take care," He waved at you as he entered back into the house.

'Holy shit is he laid back for a dad,' You thought 'That's not a bad thing though and besides I'm the king of darkness.'

You stretched your back for a bit before leaving for Kuoh Academy 'I think it's time for me and Astaroth to  start building up our forces here.'

Scene change:

You soon came across the girls locker room. Sensing Astaroth's power, you soon found him snoring in a bin.

'Well he is the king of rot I guess.'

You shook his body a bit before his eyes opened "Yo what the fuck do you want?"

"For you to wake up."

"What the fuck man it's like 1:00 in the morning!"

"Wanna build up our army?"

Astaroth froze before smirking, his annoyance gone "Haha, fuck yeah!"

Satisfied with his response, you both left the school. It was still dark outside. The wind blew hard. Slowly, you both strolled around a deserted park.


You looked at Astaroth 'He's a maniac but he's still my brother."


Your gaze turned to Astaroth again "What do you want to kill so badly?"

"Huh?" He turned to you "Hey I'm not always thinking of massacres you know."

"Then why do you keep sayi-"

You stopped, realising it wasn't Astaroth speaking.



You grabbed your forehead tightly as a sharp pain ran threw your body.

"Bro what happened?!" Astaroth asked as he knelt down beside you.

The pain continued until your left arm started deforming.

"Sh-shit!" You cried out as you grabbed your twitching arm.

After a while a black gauntlet appeared on your left arm. Blue fire burst from it as sharp black claws formed on the fingertips.

You gasped for air, still clutching your arm "Fuck...wh-what happened?"

You observed your hand, curious to what it was. However you felt energy radiating from it, a very familiar and chilling energy.

Astaroth seemed to be startled by it too.

"Bow before me..."

You heard the same terrifying voice again.

You stood up "Ah...fuck this."

"Yo, what the fuck is that thing?" Astaroth asked, pointing at the flaming gauntlet.

"No idea," You replied.

Astaroth nodded, tired. The sun was starting to come out.

"Hey don't worry, I can get rid of it anyways," You reassured him as the gauntlet dissipated into black smoke.

"The sun is coming out brother, guess we'll have to form our armies another time," Astaroth said "We could do it underground but Amaimon isn't here with us and I'm glad, fucking hate him."

You knew that Astaroth and Amaimon were rivals but never understood why.

'Not that I can say anything, I have a rival with that Illuminati fuck.'

"It's Saturday today so I think there's no school for two days," You said.

"Really? Well I've got a couple places I have in mind so see ya!" Astaroth said cheerfully as he ran off into the distance.

You watched him for a bit before shrugging and turning the other direction 'Now what can I do to kill some time...'

You left the park and walked along some pavement. You just followed it until you reached a town. You reckoned it was about 2:00. You looked around before your eyes settled on a church.

'Huh, if there's a church then maybe there are exorcists,' You thought.

Out of intrigue you decided to approach the church but you noticed the doors were busted open. You felt a mixture of holy and demonic presences in the building.

'Haha, finally,' You thought as you summoned an AA-12 shotgun.

You pulled your hood down before entering. Broken furniture and dirty carpet was littered everywhere.

'Shit, what happened to this place?'

You noticed a hole in the floor with stairs leading downwards. You saw a single door.

'Imma go Hank on these assholes.' (AN: Game reference)

You kicked the door straight off it's hinges.

"Come down here and fight me!"

Your eyes widened upon seeing three girls all tied to crosses like they were being crucified. Two of them were fallen angels and what you think was a nun between them. Issei stood in front of you, a red gauntlet on his left arm. To his either side stood a Prince Charming look alike and the neko. You noticed Raynare was with them, clutching onto a pink spear of light. In front of them were many men, holy auras coming from them.

"Why would I?" A fallen angel cackled in front of the crosses "When I get her sacred gear I will be feared by even God himself!"

"Wh-why are you doing this?!" Raynare spat "Azazel ordered us to only scout out the area!"

"Well, Raynare, I'm tired of having to keep sucking Azazel's dick and obey his every command!" The man laughed "And you don't know how long I've been dying to see you with that look of defeat on your face!"

Raynare bit her lips and held her spear out in front of her tightly.

"Bow down peasants!" You roared as you fired your shotgun into the air.

Everyone jumped slightly before turning to face you.


Alright I apologise deeply for the long delay! However I do hope you all like this chapter! I don't have much to say really. Bye!


The Darkness King (Blue Exorcist + Highschool DxD/DxD x DemonKingMaleReader) Where stories live. Discover now