In all the books I have written, this is actually the first time I am starting off with this as the beginning of my book. And honestly most times when I see them up in other people's story I skip it to the next chapter...... I know that karma might want to act a bitch but if you just spare me a minute you would see that I'm worth your time.
you were supposed to have left this page by now but I'm sure that curiosity won't let you because you sure as hell want to know what i have to say......meaning no disrespect......and i know by now many of you already know the way this particular chapter might end but yet , you can't stop reading because the inquisitive part of you wants to confirm what you already know, here goes nothing!
Before I continue,please if you are still here, I advise you leave for the thrill in the next chapter.
But if you are stubborn, like myself and stayed to see what I had to say, well there it is;
Gratitude is an appreciative manner I was taught to show as a way to let the person who has just done something for me know that I'm very thankful for the energy and time the person put in to help me ....... so here it is, thank you to all of you that actually made it this far with me, those that were always voting, leaving comments and showing love in the first volume of this book .....I hope this one blows your mind..... Its really amazing that you stopped to check out my book, it really does mean a lot to me .......
please read
comment ......and

The heart of an 'ex' lover!
PoesíaI hope that one day when you eventually see this, you find in it all that you will ever be needing! the truth is that we all need that certainty that everyone else is just simply human like us and that they all have issues that may be binding them f...