I dare you to hit her up,
To come visit her,
To check up on her,
To write to her.I dare you to make up your own jokes
I dare you to make efforts,
And to not give up.I dare you to want it and ask for it,
I dare you to crave it so bad,you work for it,
I dare you to go out and get it.I dare you to speak to her,
I dare you to ask her about herself,
I dare you to forgive all that you've heard and take her words for it.I dare you to make the move,
I dare you to still love her even if she turned you down,
I dare you to speak good of her and not wash her name in mud because she's not your girl.I dare you to be a friend when she needs one,
I dare you not to take advantage of her weakness,
I dare you to hug her and not get offended when she's doesn't offer you a kiss instead.I dare you to get to know her,
I dare you to play with her without objectifying her or reducing her to a sexualized being.I dare you to be real with her,
I dare you to love her with all her sins.I dare you to be a friend,
I dare you to be close and even best friends without a cell phone and see how Wonderful your relationship would be!But you can't, or can you?

The heart of an 'ex' lover!
PuisiI hope that one day when you eventually see this, you find in it all that you will ever be needing! the truth is that we all need that certainty that everyone else is just simply human like us and that they all have issues that may be binding them f...