Today,I woke up to your grunting in bed early this morning. I wanted to wake you up from the nightmare you were having, because it appeared like you were fighting with someone in your dream but just as I was about to wake you up, this was what you said,
"I love her so much I would die for her and you can kill me if you may but I will fight for her"
and those words brought me to tears!And when I woke you up with the tears in my eyes,you asked me what was wrong and I kissed you,this was what I was meaning to say,
The very truth is that I love you so much and that would never change but for the fact that you have chosen to be my king, I promise to be nothing worth less than a Queen to you!
To my lover!

The heart of an 'ex' lover!
PuisiI hope that one day when you eventually see this, you find in it all that you will ever be needing! the truth is that we all need that certainty that everyone else is just simply human like us and that they all have issues that may be binding them f...