Ch. 1

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It was a rain soaked August weekend when I went tumbling out the door. I had been late twice that week. So I ran, I tried my best to get in on time so I ran to my jeep in the pouring rain. I had to drop Caleb off at the sitters so I stopped there first. I sent him off with a kiss on the cheek then proceeded to work. My shirt was partially around my shoulders, and I only had one shoe on when I arrived. I kicked the motel door open, and hurried behind the counter to find I had five minutes to spare, those of which I used to ready myself work "appropriate"  After I turned 18 I was released from the boys home I grew up in and had to enter the world, which included getting a job. I currently worked 3, The Blue Moon motel, Trax an old record store, and Isaac one of my best friends got me a job at this shoe place he worked at. I was currently juggling 3 jobs and college, my son Caleb, oh and dialysis. So, a little recap on my background about me I work 3 jobs, go to college, was an orphan, had a son at 19 and on top of all that had to go to dialysis due to a kidney condition I was born with. Today luckily wasn't a hectic day. I had a shift at the motel then had to swing by Trax before my class this afternoon.

"Stiles? Is that you?" Lydia yelled from the back "I assume you woke up late again?" she asked watching me dress.

"Yeah" I chuckled, " Caleb insisted I read to him so I fell asleep working on homework last night, and forgot to set the alarm."

    I watched as she eyed me up and down. She was always covering for me with her dad when I was late or made a catastrophic screw up, though I didn't mess up often it was appreciated. Things like this would sometimes make me questions her feelings for me. If she did like me like that I neglected to tell her that I wasn't interested not because stringing her along was fun,it wasn't, but because for the past 5 years now I had accepted the fact that I was gay and only my close friends knew. She was nice, her strawberry blonde hair fell right above her shoulders just long enough  to notice  her remarkable birthmark on her neck, but her piercing mint green eyes could distract you for hours. Her father, unfortunately, was the exact opposite. He walked around constantly with a frown, gnarled, upset at the world, and some occasions you'd be able to just barely catch a whiff of what alcohol he had for breakfast on his breath. He wasn't as easy on the eyes as his daughter, and their kindness was another thing wildly different between the two.

"Where's your dad?" I asked

"Ah who knows. Probably in one of the motel rooms."

"Chris went on another bender last night?"

"Yep  and the night before, and the night before, you could have shown up 3 hours late he wouldn't have noticed."

Lydia walked towards the door to turn the sign on so that the word "Open" shone in bright green letters, and "Blue Moon Motel" shone just as bright in red to beckon nearby travelers. She then prompted to wave goodbye to me, and disappeared into the back storage room.

For 2 hours I sat there, behind a desk doing absolutely nothing. Once I thought this could be useful time to get homework done, and that was the day Chris pitched a beer bottle at my head. Lesson learned. Only business is to be done behind that counter. No one ever checked into the Blue Moon, in my entire 2 years there I had probably checked out rooms to about 20 different people which in the motel business wasn't a lot, but I kept the job because I needed the money,  there were very few things there I could screw up, and when I did, which wasn't occasional, they could always go unnoticed.

Noon had struck, and business was far from booming. No one had checked in no one had check out. There was a tv in the corner just about the door, but Chris used the cable money to buy whatever booze he could find so the only interesting thing  to watch was Chris who had just woken up in one of the motel rooms. I was gathering my things to leave and he was now chasing  the pigeons out of the parking lot. He had succeeded in getting rid of them all, but it had all happened so quickly it startled the drunken Chris, and resulted with him falling flat on the pavement.

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