Ch. 10

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"Daddy pwease!!"

We were outside at the park, and I was straightening up before we sang happy birthday. My son was standing on the picnic table beside me tugging on my hoodie "Caleb, I said no cake yet"

"Hey Caleb" Derek called "I see Alice over there" When I looked up Liam and Theo were nearing the park with their daughter sitting on Theo's shoulders. Caleb smiled brightly as he jumped from the picnic table and ran towards them. I exhaled heavily and heard Derek laughing from over my shoulder. He stood up wrapping his arms around me still laughing.

"Birthday parties can be stressful, especially for five year olds" he told me

"I know I've been through four. But it's not that, I'm just not feeling too good today" he let go of me turning me around so we were looking at each other.

"Did you take your medicine?" he was holding both sides of my face as I nodded. I lit the candles turning from him.

"It'll pass, it always does" I picked up the monkey shaped cake and walked over to the herd of kids singing happy birthday.

After the cake we opened presents and I loved watching my son's eyes widen with each gift he revealed. His favorite gift by far was this robotic monkey toy thing Derek had gotten him. He squealed once he got the box opened and jumped into Derek's arms. I smiled at the sight, but my heart sank at what came next. Caleb whispered in Derek's ear "Thank you papa" I was the only one besides Derek to hear it. He jumped from his lap running off to play with the other children.

"I'm sorry" I told Derek "I don't know-"

"Don't be. Papa suits me, If that's okay with you" I smiled right through my shocked expression nodding my head. He kissed my lips lightly, then came back in for a deeper one.

"Get a room" Scott laughed.

The end of the party finally arrived and it was time to leave. Caleb was still jumping around the picnic table on a sugar high from the cake looking at all his presents.

"Daddy!" he ran and jumped in my arms causing me to make an 'offp' noise as I picked him up "I wanna go to uncle Isaac's"

"Did you ask uncle Isaac?"

"Yeah it's fine, just as long as you get him in the morning we're going to see Scott's mom tomorrow" Isaac explained.

"Pwease daddy!' he begged looking up at me.

"I guess it's fine" and I handed him over to Scott and Isaac.

After all that I made my way back to Derek's camaro. We were at his car and he moved to open the door for me "Want me to drop you off at home?"

"I wanna go to your place" I smiled pecking his mouth and getting into the car.


Stiles was acting a little fidgety the entire ride back to my loft. I didn't think much of it until we got inside. I barley had enough time to cower the door and lock it before Stiles was at my neck slipping jacket off of my shoulders.

His hands moved to my belt buckle undoing it "What about Caleb?"

"He staying with Isaac and Scott"

"I thought you weren't feeling well"

"I think you can make me feel better" It was all I needed to hear before I reattached our lips, and pushed him in the direction of my bedroom.

His hands all over my body was enough to send electricity through me. I pulled that god damn hoodie over his head throwing it carelessly across the room. When he didn't react I proceeded fiddling with the hem of his shirt and momentarily broke our kiss getting it over his head. Before I connected our lips again he had my shirt off and on the other side of the room in one swift movement. Tongues wrestling, bodies glued together I etched towards the mattress pulling him with me. The sudden urge to be closer came to me and I picked him up so that his legs wrapped around my torso and carried him the rest of the way to the mattress. Unhurried I lowered him onto the bed careful not to break apart any inch of our bodies we had pressed together. I hovered just above him, letting my kisses trace the outline of his jaw and trail down his neck all the while he panted ever so slightly catching his breath, gently using his hands to stroke up and down my back. My lips had now made their way down his lanky torso, licking and leaving marks wherever I could. His fingers combing tenderly through my hair was enough proof of his satisfaction. I pushed myself back up latching back onto his lips to which he compiled instantly kissing me back with force I never would have guessed he held, and I had begun to fuss with the buckle of his belt.

Finally grasping the concept of what was about to happen I paused in the middle of it all, and looked him in the eyes perhaps for sign I should go on. Then just above whisper he told me "Derek don't stop" It was all I needed to hear. I undid his belt pulling his jean off in one quick action throwing them across the room with the rest of our clothes. Not wasting any time he repeated this process with me removing my briefs as well, determination in his eyes. I kissed down his body slowly pulling off his boxers the closer I got to his waist. He was panting now, and it continued to pick up as I nipped at his thighs lightly pecking the skin around his member. I pulled back up to meet his lips for more passionate kissing "I'm not a fan of teasing Derek" he smiled into our wrestling mouths. Once again he pulled back to moan in my ear "I'm". One finger entered him and he winced grabbing ahold of my shoulder. I picked up a steady rhythm moving in and out before inserting a second, then a third. His hand was bundled in the sheet as he was moaning and biting his lip. I removed my fingers from him and connected our lips again, moving my hands under his thighs for easier access. Slowly I eased into him as to ensure I didn't cause any pain. He let his back arch off the bed ever so slightly. At this he winced a little, and I stopped. Then he broke our heated kiss to let the most beautiful of moans escape his lips "Please"

"Tell me what you want baby" I looked into his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes of his and in the most seductive way he said "Move Derek" I pushed all the way into him and he moaned in complete pleasure "Fuck... S-stiles" Even when he dug his nails into the meat of my back I continued, thrusting into him, biting his skin determined to make him feel unbelievable delight. I took a hold of him moving my hand back and forth stroking him slowly. He was gnawing on the skin of my neck sucking a mark I new just might last forever. He let go throwing his head back, burying it deep into the pillow "Der...Im-" he was trying to catch his breath, but I knew. "Me too" I told him reaching up to kiss those swollen rose petal like lips as we both rode out our highs.

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