Ch. 6

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Later that night Jackson had left and I was closing up the shop. I turned on Stay With Me and made my way through the store cleaning up. I was glad Jackson let me close, this was the only time I could play certain music without hearing his opinion on said song. Sam Smith is a great person to listen to when you're feeling how I'm feeling. Derek was being weird around me, and now he was introducing me to his family. I know he didn't mean it in a "meet my potential boyfriend" type of way, or at least I think he didn't. Either way I still found it odd, maybe I was just overthinking as usual.

Derek pulled up in his camaro right at 7, actually I think I saw him sitting outside 10 minutes early but I didn't ask anything of it. When I came out of the building to lock up he was leaning against the passenger side door with a sly smile on his face.

He pulled up to a big beautiful mansion. I stared at the house in amazement taking it all in. I knew Derek and his family were well off but I didn't expect his house to take up two zip codes.

"I don't live here"


"The house" he removed the keys from the ignition gesturing towards the mansion "I know It's a bit much, but I don't live here"

"Are you really trying to be ashamed of this?" I asked getting out of the car surprised.

"I just think it's a little too extensive"

I shrugged following him towards the house. I had to admit Derek's humbleness made him that more attractive, if that was even possible.

The inside was just as breathtaking as the outside. I honestly had never been in such a nice place before and felt a little out of place. There was a small crowd of people gathered in the dining room as we entered. Before we were spotted Derek pulled me to the side warning me about how his family could be a bit much with asking questions. I reassured him that I'd be alright.

"You must be Stiles" A grinning brunette said as she ran up to us. I quickly came to find that she was Laura.

"I must be" I said shaking her hand

"How rude of my baby brother. C'mon let me introduce you to the rest of the family" Putting names to faces. I came to learn that aside from his parents David, and Talia Derek's family consisted of two older brothers Damien, and Darren and a younger brother Dalton. An older sister Lauren, and two younger sisters Cora, and Clara.

Derek and I were talking to Laura and Damien when I turned pale and got one of my bad feelings. The nauseating part of being sick was in fact the nausea.

I leaned over trying to keep things down until I reached a safe place "Hey where's the bathroom?" Derek looked at me worriedly then pointed me in the right direction sending me on my way. It was at this point that I as calmly as I could sped to the bathroom. I turned the corner and pushed past the door just barely making it to the toilet. I tired to keep the noise to a dull roar as my stomach emptied itself into the bowl. Luckily by the time the knock came at the door I had finished.

"Stiles are you okay" of course it was Derek

"Yeah" I said a little weakly "I'll be fine"

He spoke sweetly "C'mon let me in. I brought you some water"

I opened the door and there he stood fiddling with a bottle of water.

"Here" he handed me the beverage "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I took the bottle and leaned back against the wall.

"You want me to take you home?"

"I'm fine Der I promise. Just another normal day" Physically I felt terrible, but there was a wave of happiness that came over me. Not only because of the fact that he came to check on me but because of the fact that he stayed with me until I was better to leave that bathroom.

As the night went on things ran smoothly. Dinner was crazy delicious, and funny. Funny because it was mostly Derek's family taking every opportunity they could to embarrass him.

We were sitting in the backyard around the fire pit. Derek and I were squeezed together on a couch. I was practically in his lap freezing trying to warm myself in his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind as he just nuzzled into me more.

"So Stiles tell me about your family" Talia asked from across the fire

"Mom c'mon"

"What?" she shot her son a look "I just want to get to know him. Stiles?"

I looked up from my food "There's nothing to tell really"

"C'mon I know families are crazy but your family can't be any worse than the typical"

"Really, there's nothing to tell" I admitted "I uh grew up in an orphanage and I was never adopted. Aside from my friends there's just me, and my son Caleb, oh and Ace that's my dog" A small hush fell over the table, and everyone exchanged glances throughout eachother.

Talia broke the silence "Well I'd love to meet your little boy. And let me say you're always welcome in the Hale clan"

"I don't think you want that" Cora joked "Our family is crazy"

Dalton laughed "That's only because you're in it" Laughs once again roared from the table, and Derek placed a reassuring hand on my back.

After dinner Derek drove me back to my job to pick up the jeep "I'm sorry about my family. Can't say we'll be doing this again"

"Yeah. We definitely should stick to just the two of us" I said with a little too much sarcasm. Based on what he said next I guess Derek wasn't too bothered by it.

"That's not a bad idea. Actually tomorrow I'm playing with my old baseball team against a rival league, you and Caleb should come watch"

"A bunch of hot guys in uniforms on a field" I joked and pretended to think about it "Count me in"

"So you think I'll be a hot guy in uniform?" I blushed furiously not expecting Derek to take it that way. My mouth fell open then closed again trying to think of a comeback until he spoke in a soothing voice "Stiles I was only kidding" I realized then how close we were, and he leaned in slowly like he was trying not to scare me away. I was frozen not sure If I should follow. He was inches away when my phone went off. Derek moved away the mood unfortunately spoiled.

"Who is it?" he asked as I looked down at the phone.

"Uh Lydia. Apparently she's locked out of our apartment so I gotta get over there" he gave a weary smile and opened the jeep door for me to get in.

"Oh and by the way" he called out after I started the car "I think you're pretty hot too"

With that he walked off into the night, leaving me blushing like a schoolgirl.

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