Ch. 11

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I had to leave Derek's place at the crack of dawn to pick up Caleb. At the risk of a prolonged goodbye I gave Derek a kiss on his head instead of waking him. I was sure I'd see him later today anyways. I hailed a taxi and hurried to Scott's and Isaac's place. I honestly just wanted to get home and take my medicine seeing as though today was looking to be a bad one. I really did feel a little sick yesterday, but every second I spent with Derek made everything feel okay. Like for once there wasn't a care in the world. But once I came down from my high it was like I was instantly sick all over again.

With the intention of hurrying home I tried to keep the conversation to a minimum. Scott handed me my still sleeping son, and told me "Get some sleep dude, you don't look to good" I nodded, thanked him and smiled before I was out the door.

Caleb slept the entire ride back home. When we got into the apartment I let out a sigh of relief laying him down in his bed.  I watched him snore soundly in his pajamas clutching a stuffed animal. I pushed his messy hair from his head as I placed a kiss on it. After Matt left I was sure I would never feel this strongly about anyone else ever again, but the moment I looked into Caleb's eyes all those thoughts began to subside. Then it happened again when I met Derek. It was moments like this that made me really hate being sick because it left the fact that I would soon have to leave all of this behind lingering in the back of my mind.

I was glad Caleb was still sleepy. This meant I could get a couple hours of rest and hopefully wake up refreshed. I walked down the hall to my room. I stepped into the bathroom getting a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I really did look bad, almost as bad as I felt. I swallowed a handful of pills, and washed it down with tap water from the bathroom sink. Thinking that was all I would need I stripped down to my boxers and sluggishly made my way towards my bed. I hit the pillow drifting off to sleep in a tremendous amount of pain.


I woke up to an empty bed blushing as I remembered the night before with Stiles.


We were in the living room laying on the couch. I laughed as Stiles was on top of me peppering kisses down the side of my neck. I smiled as I turned to face him. He was looking up at me with those beautiful eyes. That was just one of many times he not knowingly reminded me that he was the one and only man in the world for me and I needed him to know. He must have been reading my mind because he stopped his assault of kisses and pulled back looking down at me.

He whispered like he was scared to tell me "I-I'm in love with you Derek Hale"

"I'm in love with you too Mr.Stilinski" he grinned, blushing and laughing to himself. With one last kiss he pressed his ear to my chest as he lay back down ontop of me falling asleep.


I was in the kitchen making some breakfast when I heard a ding, then another, and another. I moved to the source of the sound and found Stiles' phone, he must have left it here last night. Stiles' phone began to vibrate. The caller ID read to be one of his doctors, I grabbed it and answered the call for him.


"Mr. Stilinski?"

"Uh no sorry, this is Derek, his boyfriend"

"Oh well I'm pleased to say a perfectly healthy kidney has just been brought to us for Mr.Stilinski. So if you could have him call me-"

"That-That's amazing! Wait you've gotta let me tell him"

"That's fine. Just know he needs to be checked in as soon as possible"

We finished the call with goodbyes and I was grinning like an idiot. I didn't even finish eating. I slipped in some clothes, grabbed my keys and drove straight to Stiles' apartment.

When I reached his floor I slid my sweaty palms down the sides of my jeans before raising a closed fist to the door. I knocked on the door waiting for a response, but it was silent. I did it again but still nothing. I seen the jeep downstairs so I knew he had to be home. I didn't get an answer until the third knock.

His voice was small and quiet, but I heard it "Hello" it wasn't Stiles.

"Caleb? Caleb it's Derek. Can you open the door?"

"Daddy said I not allowed to"

"Well where Is Daddy?"

"He's sleeping. He sleep all day and never get up to make my breakfast"

The worst case scenario entered my mind as I heard him speak and I needed to get inside "Look I know what your dad said but you and me we're friends and it's okay to let friends in" I could hear his feet shuffle as he moved to undo the locks on the door. When it opened he stood before me in a onesy and was clutching the stuffed animal I won for him to his chest. I instantly entered the apartment scooping him into my arms.

"Papa" he mumbled into my shoulder "Why daddy won't get up?"

"Stay here" I said putting him down " I'm going to go check okay?"

I pulled out my phone texting Lydia

Lyds: Get to Stiles' now!

I sped back to the room my phone still clutched in hand. I couldn't contain my fear and almost tripped trying to get to Stiles. I rushed through the door stopping at Stiles' side of the bed where he looked to be sleeping.

"Sti" I gently shook his shoulder the boy didn't even flinch "Baby wake up your doctor just called" he didn't move "No time for playing we've got to get to the hospital" Stiles still didn't budge, in fact he was limp and a didn't look to be breathing "Stiles?" I moved my hand to Stiles' neck checking for a pulse. It took a while to find it and when I did it was barely noticeable "Stiles! Baby c'mon wake up" I looked down at my phone dialing 911. While bringing the device up to my ear I pulled the frail body of my boyfriend into my lap and gently ran my trembling fingers through his hair.

"Please don't leave me" I whispered with a kiss on the head.

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