Ch. 5

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"When can I meet him?" Laura whined from the doorway of my old bedroom.


"Oh don't be coy with me" she countered "Tell me about him?"

"His name is Stiles, he's in college, and has a son"

"How cute" she sing singed

"He's also just a friend you can meet him whenever"

"Just a friend? So you guys aren't dating?"

"Not at the moment"

"Ooooooo" Laura sang once more "I 'guess you've got a plan then. Go get 'yo man baby bro" and she skipped down the hall. My keys were in my hand and I was almost out the door when I was stopped.

"Derek wait a minute" It was my father calling after me

"Dad I've gotta go-"

"This will only take a second. I uh wanted to let you know there's a board meeting tomorrow afternoon"

"You're telling me why?"

"Because I want you there you can get to know the company"

"Why can't Damien go?"

"What do you mean? You're the one taking over" he asked clearly a little upset.

"I never said I wanted that"

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

A huffed escaped my chest as I reached for the door "I gotta go"

I pulled into the parking lot of O'hallorans still frustrated. It was like he didn't get it no matter what hints I gave. When I approached the shop I could see Stiles through the window waiting at a table. I couldn't believe how just seeing his face made my current worries wash away.

I walked up to the table happy to see him smile when our eyes locked. I quickly found though, that my outsides didn't match my insides, and Stiles could tell.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just family stuff"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really" I told him " Sorry it's just a downer and I don't think we should spend this time talking about that" he gave me a satisfied smile and proceeded to pick up his menu.

"Where's Caleb?" I asked.

"Lydia and Jackson wanted to take him out tonight" he nodded understandingly picking up my menu as well.

I watched his amber eyes for the rest of the night not letting my focus shift. This was probably the first official time we hadn't hung out in a group setting, and I couldn't let my father take away this moment.

We had been talking for hours the topic switching from movies to music to traveling. It was like we could never run out of things to talk about, we could talk forever and I wouldn't even care.

"Hmm? Rio, really?" I asked surprisingly

"Yeah" he laughed "What's wrong with Rio?

"Nothing, I just had you pegged for a Greece kinda guy" I laughed with him "So what's in Rio?"

"I was picking up Scott and Isaac from the airport and there was a commercial playing advertising this healing waters waterfall in Rio. It looked so peaceful and calming and relaxing. Every since then it's been like my dream vacation"

"Okay, that does sound relaxing"

"It does doesn't it"

"I like your laugh"

"Thank you" he said blushing, and a little embarrassed by the compliment " It wasn't always like this though. In highschool I had a terrible snort"

"Now that, I'd love to hear. It's okay though I had a unibrow in high school"

"Derek please okay I bet you were a god in highschool"

"What!" I asked faking hurt "No way"

"Yes way. Now me however, I was y'know I was a mathlete and on the debate team. I knew people because I was friends with half the lacrosse team, besides that I wasn't worth a second look"

"You're definitely worth a second look"

He looked up his smile softening "Really?"


"So are you busy tomorrow morning" I asked as we finished up the meal.

"Yeah I have class" he said sadly "How about tomorrow afternoon?"

"I  have this thing with my dad. Maybe tomorrow night?"

"I can do that" he grinned

"Okay perfect"


I ran into Trax fifteen minutes late. My classes had ran long and I drove like a maniac just to get there in time. Luckily Jackson wasn't interested in my being late.

"Soooo?" Jackson asked playfully as we opened up the shop

"Yeessss?" I answered micking him

"You and Derek have been hanging out a lot"

"Yeah. He's not a bad guy"

"Told ya" he smirked "You gonna ask him out?"

I huffed a little "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Well that's where this is all heading right?"

"I don't know yet" and that was the truth.

"When are you guys hanging out again?"

"Tonight. He said he knows a good froyo place"

"Oh. Well have fun" Jackson cooed, making kissy noises as he moved from behind the counter.

An hour before closing I was back in the break room eating some leftovers Lydia made when my phone started to ring. I could admit my heart sped up a little when I reached the phone and Derek's name appeared on the screen.


"Hey you"

"What's up?"

"Uh, I'm sorry but I have to reschedule tonight. I forgot about this family dinner thing"

I was surprisingly a little upset "That's fine, maybe I'll pick up another shift"

"Or maybe you could come with me?"

"Like... to meet your family?"

"Uh yeah, i-if you're okay with that"

"Okay sure"

"Great. I'll pick you up at 7"

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