Ch. 13

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There's baby boy Caleb

"He's awake" was the very first thing Jackson said when I walked in to visit Stiles like I had done so many time before. Once I heard those words an invisible thousand pound weight was dropped from my shoulders.

"Can I see him?" I asked when I fully grasped what was happening. Jackson nodded with a large smile walking side by side with me to his room. Jackson was explaining to me how he might still be a little out of it and to take things slow. The entire time he spoke the anticipation built up in my head. They man I loved was awake, and breathing and okay.

When Jackson finally finished I gripped the cold metallic handle turning it to atlas enter the room. It was dark and cold, and the only source of light was the bits and pieces that were slicing through the closed curtains. Stiles was still laying in the bed he had spent so many days prior in, the only difference this time was that his eyes were open. There was a nurse standing beside his bed presumably checking his vitals before she picked up a chart. On it was series of smiley faces ranging from smiling face to frowning face to crying one. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she asked "Stiles can you point to the level of pain you're feeling right now?" with a shaky hand he brought up a finger pointing to the crying face, the highest level of pain. My heart hitched in my chest broken that Stiles was still in so much pain.

"Okay" the nurse began "The medication I just gave you should bring the pain level down quickly" with that she smiled and left the room. I finally announce my presence moving to the side of his bed.

"Derek" he said groggily, turning over in the too small hospital bed.

Running my fingers through his hair, I smiled and let out a shaky "Hey baby" unfortunately the nurse was right. The medicine took its toll sending Stiles back to sleep after that.

"Do you know where we're going baby boy?" I asked as Caleb bounced around the back of the car. It was the next day and I thought with Stiles being more awake he'd want to see his son, and Caleb was just as excited to see his daddy.

"To see my daddy!" he shouted from the back seat. Stiles had finally woken up, and we didn't even hesitate before jumping in the car. Caleb had been staying with me during all of this and I loved having him around, I just hate that it had to be under these circumstances.

When we got to Stiles' room Caleb leapt straight from my arms to the bed his dad lay in "Not too tight baby boy" Stiles chuckled squeezing his son back.

"Sowwy daddy. Do you still feel sick?"

"No I feel much better now that you're here"

Caleb looked up at his father with the biggest, and hope filled eyes "Will you come back home now?"

"Of course. I've missed my boy so much"

"Yay! Can we go home with Papa! He has a pool, and a playhouse! We built a tent and slept in there all night"

"All night?" Stiles laughed as Caleb nodded excitedly.

"Oh okay" Lydia smiles picking up the rambling boy "Let's give your daddy and papa some alone time okay, there's jello in the cafeteria" the mention of the snack quieted him up as he clang to Lydia and they left the room.

"Thank you so much, for everything" Stiles started "You didn't have to ta-. I mean I- I just don't know what to sa-"

"You don't have to say anything. I'm just so happy you're back"

"Thank you so much Derek"

"For what?"

"For staying, people rarely stay. And after everything that's happened you did."

I laughed moving to sit beside him in the bed "I meant it when I said that I loved you. That means you won't be able to get rid of me so easily"

"I love you too" he confessed. And I moved my face to where it was only inches from his.

"God I missed hearing that come from you"

Stiles leaned in smiling as he mumbled "I love you, I love you, I love you" It had been so long since we last kissed it felt like it was our first time all over again, and all over again I was nervous. First our foreheads touched, then his clammy hand came up to the side of me neck, while a thumb rubbed gentle circles on my cheek. He kissed me and the world fell away. It was slow and gentle, comforting in ways that words would never be. It was better than any kiss I could ever write up in any book, or any artist could paint in a picture. The way his soft rose petal lips brushed against mine, and his quiet moans would make our lips vibrate was a feeling I never thought I'd ever feel again. I smiled into the kiss wondering how this small man could make a guy like me melt so easily. I smiled happy and content in that moment that I had the most important thing in my life back. After that short but breathy make out session Stiles pulled away grinning.

"I love you" he told me.

"I love you"

It wasn't until two days later that the doctor said Stiles could finally go home. Actually he advised that he stay with someone just so his recovery could be monitored. So naturally I volunteered that he stay with me. It took a lot of bribing since Stiles tried assuring everyone time and time again that he could handle himself. But I eventually won the argument.

We arrived back at my loft and Caleb ran right past us and down the hall.

"Where''s he going?" Stiles asked once we got him to the couch. His wound was still healing so he moved a bit slower.

"His room" I explained as I draped a blanket across his lap.


"Yeah. He's been staying with me since the hospital. I wasn't gonna make him sleep on the couch. I will say that even though he has his own room he still finds his way into my bed every night"

"You didn't have to do that"

"I know, but I wanted too. And hey that's what being a papa means right?" Stiles smiled, looking at me like he was fighting tears. He craned his head over to mine placing a sweet and short kiss on my lips.


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