Ch. 8

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I was in the kitchen making Caleb breakfast. It was a Saturday morning and for the first time in a long time I hadn't a thing to do. I lived for days like this where it was just me, Caleb, and his favorite Mickey mouse pancakes. I was flipping the last pancake when a knock came at the door. I didn't want to burn the food so I waited a while before responding. When I did come from around the corner Caleb had the door ajar, a smile on his face.

"Caleb. How many times do I have to tell you, you're too little to answer the-" I finally made it to the entrance and there stood Derek a dopey smile on his face
"-door" I said finishing my sentence.

"I probably should have called first. Just figured I'd drop by" he grinned "Smells good in here"

Caleb sung out "Daddy making PANCAKES" at this point I realized I had yet to speak and Derek was still in the halls shifting his weight between his feet.

"Sorry" I said moving so he could enter, my voice echoing into the hallway. I closed the door behind him and put a hand on Caleb's back " Go wash up for breakfast"

He excitedly skipped down the hall ready for his pancakes "Okay Daddy"

Derek and I were left alone. We hadn't really done much since the baseball game two days prior. I didn't have enough time to think of what to do next before his muscular arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. He leaned in and my lips were hesitant as they brushed against his this made him pull away.

"Are you okay?" He asked me

I took a while, but answered "Yeah" I exhaled and he looked at me as if to say really? "I just haven't done this in a long time"

"This being?"

"A relationship. I haven't done this in a while"

"That's okay" he reassured that by pulling me back into him "We'll go slow" he tried kissing me again and I relaxed into it and worked my lips with his. We stayed like this for a while that was until I felt something, or someone wiggle in between us separating our bodies. I looked down and Caleb was standing between my legs.

"Why you kissing my daddy?" He asked gazing up at Derek with a serious expression.

Derek was laughing moving down to eye level "Well Caleb, I like your daddy" he looked back up at me "A lot"

I guess he was content with the answer because the scowl left his face and he was pulling at my pajama bottoms asking for his breakfast.

After breakfast I had Caleb settled in front of the tv watching cartoons while I cleaned the kitchen. Despite my protest Derek was beside me helping and drying the dishes.

"What brought you by today?" I asked him.

He took a plate from my hands "I didn't have to work, and figured I'd come see you" I blushed slightly handing him the last dish "Plus, there's that carnival on the boardwalk I thought maybe I'd take you two"

"Really?" I asked prompting him to shoot me a curious look "Both of us?"

"Yeah, how's that sound"

"Okay" I shrugged smiling.


We were strolling the boardwalk watching the the people in eccentric costumes dance around the games. At some point I had absentmindedly laced my fingers with Stiles'. I could feel him tense at the sudden gesture, but he quickly relaxed into the touch.

"Der! Der! I want that one" Caleb squealed from my shoulders. I laughed tickling him and setting him down on the game. He proceeded to play the game as Stiles released my hand.

"I'm gonna go find a bathroom. Will you be fine?"

I pecked his cheek " Yeah of course, go"

I held Caleb up while he played the carnival game. He wasn't hitting any of the targets and I quickly seen the disappointment. I put him on my back and went to finish the game for him. He smiled once I won and reached for the giant stuffed monkey.

A lady no older than fifty was grinning a sweet smile as she handed Caleb the prize "You have a lovely son" she remarked. I simply thanked her and continued with him on my back to find Stiles.

"You okay?" I asked once we found him leaving the bathroom. He nodded looking up at his son.

"Daddy! Look what Der got me!" He waved the monkey in Stiles' face.

"That's really cool bud" I grabbed his hand again as we sauntered down the rest of the boardwalk. We were reaching the end and Caleb was whining for food. We grabbed burgers and fries and stopped at a picnic table. Caleb was sitting on Stiles' lap beside me picking at his fries before stuffing them in his mouth.

"Back there, at your apartment why'd you ask if I meant the both of you?" He looked down at his son before removing him from his lap placing him in the spot next to him.

"I eventually stoped dating because it was just what was best for Caleb and me. But at first I stopped because no one my age was really looking for a single dad to be their boyfriend" he sighed and shrugged "It's just strange someone want me because it means wanting Caleb too"

I turned to him placing a reassuring kiss on his cheek "Stiles?"


"I want you and Caleb in my life" he smiled at me his doe eyes locked with mine.

By the time I dropped Stiles back off at home Caleb was fast asleep from his sugar crash in the back seat.

"I really could have done that" Stiles admits as I carry a sleepy Caleb up the stairs.

"Oh hey Lyds" he says once we enter the apartment " His rooms just around the corner" I follow him to the back into a room decorated with monkeys.

" Well thy makes sense" I say laying him into the bed.

"Yeah he's a little obsessed" Stiles tells me while tucking the smaller boy under the sheets before kissing his forehead.

We stepped out into the hall closing the door behind us. I leaned forward placing a lingering kiss on his lips. He smiling into it before I pull away.

"I'll see you later"

"Okay" he replies before pecking lightly again.

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