Ch. 2

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He extended his hand to me "Stiles"

"Hi. I'm Derek" I responded taking his hand. His skin was just as soft as it looked. I felt my heart quicken and it scared me a little bit. He had whiskey colored eyes, and adorable little moles that peppered his skin. I couldn't help but let my mind run wild wondering if they covered his entire body. He smiled releasing my hand and reaching for the stereo.

"Hey!" Jackson said slapping him on his shoulder

Stiles took out the CD that was playing replacing it with a new one "My turn. I'm dj now" he smiled throwing up rock n roll hand horns as Green Day started to play.

"Nice to meet you Derek" and he returned to his work. I hadn't noticed I was watching him walk away, following him with my eyes as he wandered the store. When I pulled from my daze I couldn't shake the feeling there were a pair of eyes on me and sure enough when I looked over Jackson was staring at me a sly smile playing on his face.

"See something you like?" he shot his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up" I smirked leaving the store.

I pulled my sleek black camaro into the gravel driveway of my mansion.  My father's truck was also in the carport and at this I sighed. There was a company meeting today that I may or may not have deliberately missed. I pushed past the heavy oak door and tried to hurry past his office and straight to my old room. I was in a mansion for god's sake and I couldn't seem to get away from him.

"Derek Samuel Hale"

"Yes sir?" I swallowed still not have entered his office.

"Get in here"

I rounded the corner, I was wincing in preparation for what was coming "Hey Dad"

"Where were you this morning?"

"I'm sorry about the meeting. I just wanted to go catch up with some friends."

"Derek I didn't move the company back here for you to socialize. Once you become CEO you won't have time for friends."

"I'm not taking over for another three years" That wasn't what I wanted to say. I so desperately wanted to tell him I never planned on taking over the company. I had two older brothers who could do the job better I never understood why it had to be me. When I would get bold and start asking questions I'd get a lecture about the family business being passed down through generations, and how I should just be proud to have this opportunity.

"That's not the point Derek. Just don't let it happen again"

I left without another word heading up the stairs and down the long, well lit corridor to my old bedroom. I opened the door to see my older sister Laura stretched across my bed looking through one of my books.

"Oh great you're back. I thought you were heading straight to your loft"

"No I had to pick up some things" I said a little anger in my voice

She closed the book turning to sit up " I guess you talked to dad" I nodded and walked over to the dresser "If you just tell him you don't want to take over, that you want to be a writer, this will all end. Everyone knows but him"

"That's because everyone understands but him. I mean he just barely accepted me for being gay, not wanting to take his place is going to send him over the top." I huffed pulling out a nice maroon shirt "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I have to get ready for tonight"

"Oooo what's tonight?"

"Jackson invited me to this barbeque with some of his friends"

"Planning on meeting someone special" she was gesturing to the shirt in my hands "You only wear that when you want to lure someone in"

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