Ch. 4

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Jackson and I were out for coffee when he got a text from Lydia. We ended up taking a detour to go visit her new place which just so happened to be with Stiles. We came to park in front of an old looking apartment building, that looked to have no more than 10 stories. There was an "Out of Order" sign on the elevator so I followed Jackson and walked up three flights of stairs.

"Hey" the redhead greeted us at the door

"Hey yourself" Jackson cooed trying to flirt. She opened the door wider gesturing for us to come in. I was scanning for Stiles and found the apartment to be comfy and a decent size inside. It had 3 rooms and 2 baths. It was filled with warm accented colors.

"Where's-"  practically on cue Stiles came from his room. He was shirtless and his jeans had yet to be buttoned so his black briefs underneath were exposed. Before he could speak a little german shepard ran past his feet into the living room and Caleb was hot on his trail chasing the puppy. He buttoned his jeans while quickly chasing after the boy and the dog. He came right too me and I bent down to where he could lick my cheeks.

"C'mon no slobbering on guests" Stiles smiled reaching for the dog.

"Oh it's fine" I told him "Is he yours?"

"Yes!" Caleb, who was now by my side playfully petting the dog, had answered "That Ace" he giggled.

Stiles spoke "Baby boy I need you to get your shoes on" he was standing right beside me and I have to admit he had a nice body, one I was trying not stare at.

Caleb turned from the dog facing Stiles "Daddy I no want you to go"

Stiles bent down to look his son in the eye "It won't be long I promise. When I get home we'll go visit Uncle Scot at the bakery" at this the boys face lit up and he ran to the room yelling something about cookies. Stiles looked up at me noticing me staring at him. He laughed nervously then joked "Bribery at its finest"

"So" Jackson clapped his hands together "You coming to the mall with us?"

"I would but I'm covering someone's shift today" he said nudging towards Jackson. Caleb came running from the room. Stiles grabbed both him and the dog heading for the exit"I'll be back the neighbor's gonna keep Caleb and Ace for a couple hours" He left the apartment pulling on his shirt.

Jackson pulled out his phone "What are you doing?" I asked

"Getting someone to cover his shift. He works way too much" Jackson mumbled into the phone for a couple minutes. I was a little excited Stiles was coming with us because one: I wouldn't have to watch Jackson and Lydia make googly eyes at each other and two: I could spend time getting to know things about Stiles, like if he was even gay. Yes he had a son so he was with a guy at some point in time, but I was hoping he hadn't switched perspectives. Maybe I still had a chance.

"Go change" he told Stiles once he re-entered the apartment.


"I called in Danny to take your shift so you can come with us"

"Wow, while you're making calls see if I can get the rest of the week off" he joked

Jackson was laughing "Shut up and go change"

Jackson wanted to drive Lydia in his porsche, so naturally I volunteered to ride with Stiles in his jeep. He seemed a little nervous on the drive, his fingers were tapping the steering wheel and every so often he'd make a funny noise come out his mouth.

"So, how'd you meet Jackson?" I asked making conversation

"Uh... it was freshmen year" he said thinking about it "-and my first boyfriend, Logan, was his best friend. Then we broke up but Jackson and I stayed friends"

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