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Just so no one gets confused, Pucca and Garu are in their older 20's so ye.

Morning light poured into the room we're two figures we're tangled up in each other.
Garu's onyx eyes blinked open to see sunlight coming in from a window. Yawning he went to turn over but ended up finding a figure laying next to him. Sleeping peacefully with her back turned towards him, Pucca let out a small sigh.
He smirked and snuggly buried between his wife's shoulder and breathed in her sent.
Pucca's eyes fluttered open and quickly found the source of her waker. She rolled her eyes and huffed as she pushed Garu away.
Pucca then turned and curled around her swollen belly, sighing as her eyes shut.
Garu with a smug expression started peppering her shoulder with bites and kisses, causing Pucca to giggle a bit. Pucca then turned to eye her husband with a small smile playing at her lips.
Garu raised an eyebrow and playfully nipped her nose, earning him a light flick to the forehead.
Garu chuckled softly and smiled down at her. He was the luckiest man alive to have such an amazing wife. He leaned down and kissed her forehead lovingly.
Slowly Pucca took her hands and cupped his cheeks, dragging him down towards her. Her lips met his in a soft kiss which earned her a low rumbling sound from Garu. He pushed harder into the kiss as a groan came from her.
She smiled into the kiss, starting to massage his hair. He nipped her bottom lip and slowly layed his head on her chest.
Garu rubbed the side of her stomach lovingly as he enjoyed Pucca's hands in his loos hair. This was a good morning.

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