Wounds heal 3

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Garu groaned as he woke, feeling his wounds sting once again. He flinched and tightened his jaw, stilling to possibly sleep more. Sighing deeply he gulped and turned his head to look about.
Garu looked down and scrunched up the plush blanket, feeling it run between his fingers. Wait...he didn't remember ever getting a blanket.
Garu's eyes pinched together in confusion, then a light went off.
Pucca probably left it for him when she left.
When he gets awake more he will most likely ask Abyo to come help him for a few days.
A yawn is heard by Garu's room, suddenly making his ninja senses jump awake. He scanned the room with detective eyes seeing if he can get to a weapon without hurting himself in the process. His eyes rake over a plant and he silently noted that if whoever was in his house didn't like gardening, he would throw the plant at them.
Then his eyes snap to Pucca as she walked out of the room, her hair down and a little bit of a mess. She stretched letting loose a yawn and made her way to his kitchen.
Blushing a deep shade of red he moved his head to look at the couch. Ahh, so she stayed the night.

Silently Pucca walked out of the kitchen with a hot cup of chai tea, in her hands. Breathing in the sent she took a gulp of the hot liquid, drawing a happy grin to her face. Ahhh, refreshing.
Lazly Pucca dragged her brown eyes towards Garu's face as he awkwardly gave her a smile with a half-wave. Pucca almost tripped as she spotted him.
Oh right, she spent the night.
Her face flushed in embarrassment, and not because of the chi, quickly schooled her features to a smile as she made her way to him taking a seat.
Garu cleared his throat in greeting as he avoided eye contact with a blush blooming on his face. Pucca watched as his eyes peered at the couch, seemingly trying to give the impression of being bored.

she placed her hand on his forehead.
No fever to be felt, she detracted her hand with a satisfied smile and a nod. Hopefully, her beloved would get better quickly after all.

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