Wounds heal part 1

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Garu sighed painfully as Pucca lifted his shirt up letting cool air hit his new sword wound. Garu and Tobe had dulled this evening and ended with Pucca finishing the job. Before Tobe left he managed to get a pretty deep cut clean across Garu's chest, rendering him useless.

Garu wasn't new to receiving wounds and it definitely wasn't uncommon for Tobe either.
Afterwards both boys would lick their wounds and jump up to fight once more. But now, he couldn't take care of himself.

At first, he was going to bite his tongue and make his way to Abyo's, but decided otherwise when every muscle protested and burned.

Embarrassment colored the tips of his ears and cheeks pink when Pucca was too close. The girl sat between his legs and her hand was propped up on his right leg to keep her steady as she cleaned his wound.

Garu let out a grunt when he felt warm water against his skin and the lightest of touches. He shut his eyes with his mouth forming a pale line as she continued to clean around the slash. It sent a burning sensation to his brain with every wipe but he wouldn't be a baby about it.

When Pucca's rag wiped across his forehead he tensed a little.
His instincts were telling him he needed to run to escape, but the pain kept him rooted to the spot.

Pucca pulled her hands from him, making Garu crack open an eye as he watched her turn to place the rag in a bowl.She then picked up gawls and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly asking for permission to put it around him. Painfully Garu nodded and leaned up a bit so she could get it around him.

The small movement made him growl with pain causing his hands to fly out to rest on his knee caps, pushing his face into her neck.
He heard Pucca take in a sharp uncertain breath, then quickly and calmly began to wrap the soft material around his chest. Taking care to finish the process without unwrapping it.

Soon the material came to an end and Pucca clipped it closed with a pin in a quick motion. Garu took a deep breath as his forehead slid down so it was resting on her collar bone. God this hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. Slowly two arms found his shoulder blades and he was leaned away so he could lay on his back.

Garu's eyes fluttered open and he peered up to see Pucca laying another rag on his forehead with a small smile on her face. Garu's lips tugged into a painful smile and he closed his eyes, swiftly floated into a deep sleep...

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